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Clara is mostly shit edition

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I came buckets to her in the Niggers Stole My TARDIS outfit

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>Doctor Who
No one cares

She makes my souffle rise, if you get my meaning?

clara has the saddest tits of any companion

I miss her bros....

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are you there grandfather?
it's me, susan - let me in.

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Holy based.

OMG IT'S BEEN CONFIRMED spoilers XD will join the next season as a new companion Nelli Fogworth

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I'm not familiar with that episode

Series 7 Episode 10

Fuck me I'd entirely forgotten that episode existed.
Also surely /who/ can agree Clara got the best outfits of any nuwho companions, definitely felt like she was pimped out as eye candy much more

If you have Jenna Coleman for the role, isn't it obvious you should take advantage of that?

>Gets rid of UNIT for a Brexit joke
>Destroy Gallifrey for shock value
>Force the Doctor to give up every single code she lives by and is treated like the messiah
>Turns her into a super messiah and not only destroying so much continuity, but general themes of the show
Does Chibnall even like Doctor Who? Not even an incompetent person would fuck up this badly.
This is pure maliciousness.

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Get a grip you fucking pathetic simp fags

It's strange how crazy Jenna Coleman turns Doctor Who fans. She's not even the hottest companion to be honest.

Not canon

Just finished the Rosa Parks episode.
As it were I thought it was a pretty good episode, but as the third episode of the first season with a female Doctor and her super cool new 'fa.m' it feels like they pushed it out way too early.
I can only hope the rest of the season stays this decent considering what I've heard.

oh boy, you're in for a treat in the form of episode 4. it's where most people, myself included, dropped series 11 entirely

She was not very likeable but she was written better and had much more character development than other companions. People just seethed at her because she was flawed, didn't take shit from the Doctor and because he loved more than other companions.

Is episode 4 Tsuranga or Arachnids?

Retcons the chameleon arch
Hides somethnig invisible in the middle of a room where anyone could trip over it
Says Rosa is vital to human history
Enemy is sa future space racist
Go's through all that hassle and all those fuck ups with futre tech and can't make a woman miss a buss ride
A chunk of space rock is named after Rosa

You might have shit taste

Exactly how bad was the last season?
Haven't seen a single episode with femwho.

>she was written better
>character development
>didn't take shit from the Doctor
Donna, and Martha had these traits too

She was willing to destroy all of humanity so an egg could ahtch ffs, After Matt Smith she is irredeamable


The Doctor is the Timeless Child.

The Timeless Child fell through into our universe and was discovered by a Gallifreyan who raised it as her daughter, until it fell off a cliff and regenerated. The explorer then experimented on the child and found the secret to regeneration and gave it to all Gallifreyans giving them the ability to regenerate and they became Time Lords.

The Master found out about this and killed every Time Lord on Gallifrey and converted them into Cybermen (Cyber Masters). The Doctor lets some old dude sacrifice himself to kill the Master and the Cyber Masters because she doesn't want to do it herself.

Nice, reminds me of prime Emma Pierson

This. Martha was completely overshadowed because ReTarD wanted the Doctor to be a lonely sad boi and completetly looked passed an infinitely better companion.

Was the Doctor racist?

Don't forget Ruth and how they never explain her or her police box tardis and how the episode pretty much says it doesn't matter

Did you not watch the episode? She had no idea which choice was right, that's why she was so pissed at the Doctor for forcing her to make a 50/50 decision about humanity without his help.

>Gets rid of UNIT
Torchwood too

The choice was to kill billions or let one live, She chose to kill billions

Donna went from 'sassy moody banter dispenser' to 'sassy moody banter dispenser who loves time travel', she was good but she didn't really develop other than that, and I say this as someone who rewatched the Tennant era recently. Martha didn't change much either, she just decides she had enough at one point.

I'm not going to lie, it had some decent episodes here and there like Tesla and Praxeus. But overall it's the worst series of Revival Doctor Who. It retcons the Doctor into being a refugee from some random place that Timelords took the ability to regenerate from. Hartnell is no longer the First Doctor anad now the First Doctor is Jo Martin. One of the episodes called Orphan 55 was trash and had the second worst ending of an episode in the revival. The new Master is alright but is only decent when not doing Simm impressions which he does constantly.

She didn't, though, no one died. KTM's premise is retarded but it was the right choice in the end.

>A chunk of space rock is named after Rosa
That's not something the show came up with, there is an actual asteroid named after her.

This, Clara fans like say she's the only companion with notable character development which is honestly such bull. Especially since her character development never felt as natural as say, Martha. I don't hate Clara but her fans can be so insufferable sometimes.