What makes a person just suddenly despise a youtube channel? Bon Appetit has done nothing different, but I went from enjoying their videos to hating all their fucking faces recently.
What makes a person just suddenly despise a youtube channel? Bon Appetit has done nothing different...
Seeing Brad's son really soured it for me
The same thing happened to me.
Partially because they changed their editing into a "epic random" kind of style.
The other reason might be that I realized they are all probably awful people.
>Bon Appetit has done nothing different
dude one day it's all whites and jews. then all of a sudden they throw in a bunch of random brown people. it's like they got a ticket from the diversity police.
>hating all their fucking faces recently.
either brad has read too many fawning youtube comments or some producer has told him to play up his personality because he's annoying af recently. i think that's going to be the main problem since BA got big. it's not just about cooking anymore, they've all got to have big unique personalities and that's going to make them seem either slightly off or just fucking annoying.
The hipster/forced outcast status. You realized it was mainstream to like it
never go to a person's twitter if you don't want to hate them
why blacks under perform at literally everything except sports and rapping?
>tfw no claire gf
because of systemic racism
what about sports and rapping where they over perform? why isnt that racist?
I still like brad, Chris, molly, Solha, Claire and Delaney.
The rest can get fucked.
Especially Priya and rick. Insufferable faggots the two of them
because you realize youtube is mostly for insufferable egomaniacs
misspelled raping there user.
It is and I never said it wasn't. That works in the favor of only the extreme minority of high "acheivers" in those fields.
Those black bucks are traded like cattle on thier journey through the college and pro circuits. For every black rap star there's 100,000's who fail and only a handful who escape the clutches of the music studio jew.
>Priya and rick
Priya seems ok but obviously neurotic. rick is pure faggotry that only knows tacos and who tf would eat anything he makes with his painted nails and probably had his fingers in his asshole 20 minutes prior.
Bloat in pursuit of ad revenue. CinemaSins went from 3-min-long to the point videos to unwatchable slog.
Bad writing.
Honest Trailers also bloated (earlier a trailer was 4 min on average, now it's 6-7 min) but besides that half the jokes now are just stating some action or imagery that gets shown at least twice during the movie and then showing every single instance of said action or imagery.
when it turned the guy on the far left wasn't even gay
that's when I knew the show couldn't be trusted, and it was all fake acting
There isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that Chris is straight
>That works in the favor of only the extreme minority of high "acheivers" in those fields.
why are there not other high achievers in other fields? surely if blacks produced excellent products and services people would use them to make money, like happens in sports and rap. unfortunately, blacks under perform at everything else and cant make money for their jewish owners. it's not racism. blacks have access to free market and hundreds of programs dedicated to their success but they still fail because blacks are the natural slave race. they need to be given direction and told what to do to achieve anything.
This last brad episode was pure home kino. He’s going absolutely batshit crazy being stuck at home and it’s showing. You can’t keep a golden retriever locked up like that
he has a wife and multiple kids! the show is a farce. it's all an act.
Because as you get more familiar with something you slowly grow to despise it. Happens to relationships, interests, jobs, basically everything.
I remember first getting into cooking and was eager to soak up basically anything on YouTube, now I fucking hate all of them even though my cooking has barely improved
>wants to get into cooking
>starts with BA
bro that's like wanting to start running so you go out and run a marathon. not that you cant do it or it cant be done. it will just be miserable and traumatizing.
That grey-haired bitch seems like a massive cunt. When the internet started simping her I just assumed she was naturally warm but she's a huge bitch. You people have shit taste in women
They started getting more ensemble-ish. Too many videos of dragging people you don't give a fuck about into videos you're interested in, so it becomes more of a distraction, while also making you more aware that they're creating branding rather than informative content.
Who's the Mexican one who wears nail polish despite most likely being in his 40s? He ruined a lot of it for me..
I like brad, molly and Delaney though.
Why would this be surprising though, black owners most likely open in black hoods, worse service from black workers, worse performance, rowdy customers with less money, more robberies etc
It's part of it. All of it stems from a history of oppression (in America at least) and the idea that one day blacks suddenly had the exact same advantages as white people because of Abe Lincoln or MLK or Obama is incredibly ignorant
BA is amateur level cooking
I want to like this channel. The content is good, sometimes it feels like you can just enjoy watching. But underneath you know they are all upper class New Yorkers who believe nonsense and would probably want me lynched.
>have the option to go to the black mcdonalds that has been robbed 3 times this month
>or the regular one 5 more minutes away
fucking white people
>history of oppression (in America at least) and the idea that one day blacks suddenly had the exact same advantages as white people because of Abe Lincoln or MLK or Obama is incredibly ignorant
blacks under perform worldwide and when they are left alone build literal shithole countries. also, the oppression you speak of is a blip on the radar in terms of a historical perspective. the truth is blacks accepted their slave status because they didnt have any better ideas for how to spend their time and being a slave came with free food and shelter.