*shits on every single anime ever made in Japan the country that originated it in your path*

*shits on every single anime ever made in Japan the country that originated it in your path*

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>watching catoons

First season was the only good season.

Good show but no.

Season 2 is better.

*is overpraised by redditors because of nostalgia*

zoom zoom


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i watched it when i was 35

Season 2, adventures in a desert, and then trapped in BaSingSe for eighty years while the show devolves into muh shipping desu
Season 3, Zuko becomes the good guy, surprising no one, while most of the plotlines solve themselves pathetically easily while the dialogue continues to spiral
Season 1 is still the only good season.

>describe a show incorrectly as an argument


Assuming you've only seen the ones made after hand drawn basically stopped, sure.


k-on shits on it

There has never been a good anime

More like
>makes Yas Forums trannies produce excreta out of every orifice possible


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Stop shilling this overrated shite

i've seen a lot of anime and i agree
top 3 shows for me

I forgot how lame the first few episodes were. Holy shit
>you're sexist sokka!
>teehee Jet UWU XD
lmao what were they thinking?

its a kids show after all relax

Season 3 was shit, tho

try again faggot

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This is a big funny joke to get me to reply right? Please tell me you don't really call those your top 3

this is STILL the #1 for me damn

No it doesn't. Most of Yas Forums likes it but will call you a retard if you say it's anime.

Looks like someone's based tonight

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This has got to be the most overrated show of all time.

well tell us your top 3

Jackson Rathbone is relentlessly handsome.

Oh look its reddit's other cartoon

Why do manchildren think Avatar is good? Story is terrible and couldn't be more predictable. Worldbuilding is pathetic compared to stuff like One Piece. The jokes are the most drawn out "lol, we just watched anime and now do the same" shit ever

Madoka Magica
Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's
Princess Tutu

Teen Titans >>>>>

Are you 12?

based and titanpilled