*Makes you feel like you got smarter in your path*
*Makes you feel like you got smarter in your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
You're welcomed. Reminder we are just on a mote of dust, suspended in a sunbeam
billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and
billions of
this channel has really good edits
Science!! Yay!!!
Thanks for reminding me.
>dude the universe is like, big
Fine but I don't care. I'm still gonna worry about the smallest stupidest details and care about nobody but me and my closest friends and family.
Science is my religion
>I'm still gonna worry about the smallest stupidest details
such as?
Choosing a certain route in a visual novel and worrying about missing out on the others and losing the motivation to go back to read them after I'm done with the one I chose because they might have my favourite girl in it.
Mostly the erosion of White America
*gets couped in your path*
Based Carl has done his job then. In your diatribe against his views you subconsciously valued what he indirectly preached most about
Now that's deep...
what the h e c k
You ever just sit up at night and think damn i wish carl sagan was my dad
100% honest, cannabis.
Could be that I just matured right as I used cannabis, which I didn't start using until I was 18 and just started college. But looking back, it seems like it really did change everything about how I viewed and thought. Mushrooms probably played a role too but that didn't happen until years later and just a few occasions. But I believe that helped me as well progress.
But yeah before I smoked weed, it seemed like I was just doing everything, just 'because'. Like I didn't want to know why stuff worked, just accepted that things were the way they were and moved on. But once I started smoking, just the way I viewed things all changed. I didn't like accepting things just because, I actually wanted to know why and how things were. It made me way way more interested in the sciences. However before I smoked, I was great at math and loved animal and nature shows/topics, but since I have also been more into space and natural sciences.
My appreciation of music also changed 100% too. Before smoking, I didn't really care too much about music. Sure I listened to it and had cds, but once I smoked weed my love of music increased at least 10 fold. Prior to smoking, most of the songs I liked revolved around the lyrics, and after smoking, I preferred songs with great instrumental play, rather than just the singing aspect.
Cannabis also increased my creativity by a shit ton. I would say that my creativity is one of my best attributes (trying not to brag). I still use cannabis and it doesn't affect my work at all. In fact I get praised all the time about my creativity and ability to solve problems by thinking outside of the box.
This isn't even mentioning the spiritual improvements cannabis has made in my life and you can see why some consider it such a sacred plant. I just really love this plant and think it can bring about many benefits if used properly.
I just wish that every time I polished off a six pack that I could wax as poetically as you about how I've transcended beyond my original mortal disposition
alcohol is for plebs and neaderthals, there is a reason shamans/mystics closely guarded the preparation of a lot of smokeables
To make sure morons don't get their hands on it and use it constantly instead of a ritualistic context?
Thats because alcohol is literal poison your body cannot handle, weed has its own landing strip - see endocannabinoid system.
ummm.....based department?
I'm on mushrooms and this is perfect
Fate visual novels suck. Go watch the anime
Carl Sagan
Richard Feynman
All other scientists
He has a rich vocabulary and i love the way he pronounces some words. So soothing or at least satisfying to listen to.
this man is responsible for the death of the human race.
sending our exact location, technological level and other information on how to take over the Earth into the depths of space without first checking what we are dealing with is the stupidest fucking decision of all time.
this is what weed does to you, fucking junkie.
Go back to /tg/ you larping manchild.
He also has a wierd unique voice that no one else seems to naturally have