Mfw it's April 26

>mfw it's April 26

you know what to do Yas Forums

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reddit show

a damn good reddit show

ngl. its a awesome show. cant wait for season 2



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that woman absolutely ruined it I swear to god it was perfect without her

what are you on about?

This. She was obnoxious.


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Post Memes

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Throw a clipboard at, and berate, my subordinates?


was Dyatlov in the wrong?

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you're delusional


Happy birthday, core chan

I was born a few days before the event, but my class mate in middleschool was born on 26.04.1986

He was also completely retarded

not great not terrible

>a boomer

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>villain of the show

how does he do it?

Attached: dyatlov.jpg (480x360, 16.55K)

Can't find a better meme

Attached: head over to chernobyl.jpg (800x600, 110.33K)

damn what a chad

not good

by having a great actor portray him

This guy would be a perfect Dr. Kleiner

3.6 upvotes. not great not terrible

Why the fuck did they put a coal engineer in charge of a nuclear plant?

Yeah, let's add a belligerant, arrogant female to represent hundreds of soviet scientists who were mainly men. The directors were left-wing basedboys.

One of the many wonderful facets of communism.

Other than the reactor It works the same: Heat goes in, steam goes out, turbine spins and does brrr

you mean the blonde one, right?

>tfw KGB man takes away your frens

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talk shit get hit

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haha turbine goes brrrr

These will take a while to post

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>show that demonstrates how commies fucked up reactor thanks to incompetence and affirmative action

Attached: brukhanow beat 2.gif (316x306, 1.06M)

because everyone is equal user, don't let pesky "qualifications" get in the way of the glorious worker's revolution. People who flip burgers can drive forklifts and forklift drivers can manage payroll, division of labor is literally oppression

Attached: brukhanow beat 3.gif (316x306, 540.83K)

>stronk womyn that did not exist saves the world alone
>not reddit

Because of usual leftist nepotism and muh systems of oppression.

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the memes when this was airing were fucking kino

Attached: brukhanow beat meltdown.gif (316x306, 14.94K)