Why does watching this show feel like im browsing reddit?

Why does watching this show feel like im browsing reddit?

Attached: Rick_and_Morty_season_4.png (316x316, 123.21K)

because the main protagonist is a smart, nihilistic, anti-hero. Something every reddit user thrives to be.

why do you know what browsing reddit feels like?

It's regurgitation of content created by more talented people.

>November 2019
>It's now April and half the season is AWOL
Bravo nolan

cuz u browse Yas Forums too much

It comes back in May 3rd.

What does browsing Reddit feel like? Does it hurt?

Because Yas Forums told you it does. I mean, the humor is a little grating, but if it reminds you of Reddit that is literally because you are brainwashed.

Can we make rick a symbol of the alt right?

Is this shit still being produced?
I've hardly seen any threads in the past few months so I thought it got canceled after the shitstorm of season three.

It’s too late, Ricky and morty peaked and the copy pasta changed it forever

but Ricks an atheist who doesnt believe in marriage

Probably because you are obsessed with Reddit and modifying every single thing that you think, say or do so that you don't approach the nebulous concept of "Reddit" in order to impress and belong to an equally nebulous group of anonymous strangers on the internet.
I'm sure that will work out great for you.

because you go on reddit so much you can't watch anything without self inserting their memes that you can't get out of your head and it prevents you from just watching something and enjoying it.

i always felt Rick and Morty was making fun of those types of people who think they are smarter than everybody.

Rick thinks Hitler almost had the cure to cancer so I think he already is.

It doesn't work when Rick is actually the smartest character in-universe and gets away with almost everything he does.

>muh Reddit vs Yas Forums
>muh Reddit boogeyman
Is this middle school kids regurgitating this retarded bullshit?
How pathetic do you have to be to let this stupid bullshit have an actual impact on your life?

Because you're a pretentious faggot and hate fun.

go back

Finally someone who is saying it other then me.
grow the fuck up you demon baby's, I hope someone spanks some sense into your ignorant asses.

No website you can google is secret or special hence why you post here, because you are not special.
Nothing about any forum is.

Attached: 1460309567684.jpg (346x395, 34.1K)

You have to go back.

>reddit spacing

He's right you niggers. You all call everything reddit when it's not.

Attached: Apu Pit.jpg (2048x1366, 1.4M)

because you're so anxious to impress your "Yas Forumsbros" by demonstrating orthodoxy

>thrives to be.

If you weren't so retarded you would remember people used to frequently post this way years ago and now idiots like you are suddenly calling it "reddit posting".
Stop being a faggot.

Attached: 1547750261180.jpg (480x500, 34.81K)

it takes them a long time to come out with seasons which is good because it shows at least they care enough not to oversaturate it.

>reddit memes

Either you’re baiting or you’re just genuinely retarded. Go back

kys zoomer

>show comes out
>a bunch of positive threads about it on Yas Forums
>it becomes popular
>everyone here still watches every episode as they come out

You faggots are the worst I swear.

Attached: What did you just say m8.webm (512x384, 962.42K)

Reddit is literally filled to the brim with rick and mortgage you dumb retard

Because it is

Your bait is weak old-man, pictures are not attached to a website like cheeto dust clinging to your baby hands.

I downloaded that picture from Yas Forums, no one called the OP of it a "reddit meme" at the time

You really are ether mentally deficient or trolling at this point.
I must warn you though, pretending to be stupid quickly leads to being stupid.
