I think we're witnessing the beginning of the end
I think we're witnessing the beginning of the end
what makes you say that, user?
A crack down for Yas Forums is coming
the mods and janitor are in deep shit with their "bosses"(jiro and "manager") because of the whole google thing that happened this week
You losers say this every few months. Literally nothing will happen.
I've heard nothing of this
that has literally nothiing to do with Yas Forums, it's 4plebs fault
maybe the end of the last beginning
humans wanted this
they chose this
they chose suffering
Yangtards are fucking delusional
We're getting yang's policies anyway.
I hope you enjoy hyperinflation you fucking idiot holy fuck
don't login to your google account on monday and post
>In English, doc!
>...that WAS plan B
>I think we're witnessing the beginning of the end
Good, about bloody time. I long to watch normies and roasties suffer.
>and your other cunny!!!
what google thing?
Yas Forums could use with one of those classic outages. Long enough for normalfags to fuck off and forget it exists.
This except the outage is permanent
God I hope so
I've seen it coming for 3 years and I've been too depressed to prepare.
You're a loose cannon! That thread had 15 innocent dubs posters!
Turn in your frogs!
Wat happen?
Normalfags found about cunny threads
that would be ideal. why should based posters be relegated to one corner of the internet?
Someone on here initially brought it up then it spread to Reddit and Twitter
Explain please
hmm maybe
>don't login to your google account on monday and post
can't happen any sooner?
WOW... 1 retweet and 2 (two) likes???!!
Yas Forums is fucking finished
The world ended on that tanker 2 years ago.
*thunder and lightning cracks*