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Kino, but worse than inception

good. My main complaint is the adaptation isn't true to the book. They removed the ambiguity and forced an ending. the book leaves it much more open ended.

It's enjoyable

Are you fucking kidding?

Inception is close to having the merit of a capeshit

>forced an ending
Did you simply swallow what the doctor said as truth?

Spoil the book, how different is it?

How is it remotely close to capeshit?

normie-tier psychological thriller

Yes. In the film its pretty clear he just wanted them to melt his brain so he could forget his past. Also in the beginning when the cops are “searching” you see them dicking around by the rocks like theyre just playing along

Yes i know but scorsese put them in there on purpose. He put things in on purpose for both sides just to confuse. It was a long time ago since i was invested in it so i forgot all the details but there are plenty of videos on youtube showing small signs that he’s either crazy or being tricked

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Because Nolan produced the movie well during the heart of the Dark Knight Saga and it's apparent that the spirit and essence of those capeshit fantasies no doubt bleeds into the overall feel of Inception

Great film but after the first watch it kind of defeats the enoyment of the mystery and twist when you know what's happening.

If you wait long enough before viewings it retains it's allure I've experienced. I've seen about 5 times

I can’t figure out if the storm was real or not

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What the fuck are you talking about? Nolan did regular movies long before the dark knight

I'm just talking about Inception. That movie felt like an extension of the Dark Knight and a fantasy loopy capeshit to me and I can tell his mind was on batman when he made it

You're an idiot.

Love this movie. I watched it once while camping with some friends in the middle of the night. Shit was creepy.

Pathetic attempt by Scorsese to do a Shyamalan esque twist. The movie literally only exists for this purpose, he LITERALLY has a character break out a cork board to explain the twist the charlie in the pepe silvia skit, it was fucking laughable

Disagree. Knowing that he's insane from the get-go causes a kind of paradigm shift in how one approaches viewing the film, where instead of unquestioningly following along the detective plot you're searching for signs that it's all a carefully curated ruse in the body language of the staff and the subtle expressionistic formal choices like the egregious green screen on the opening boat scene which are now given meaning as a reflection of Teddy's subjectivity.

I think thats only because nolans style is imitated in capeshit. Also movies like divergent borrowed heavily from his editing style

>comparing Scorsese to shamalamadingdong

you deserve electro shock therapy

Well when you put it like that youre right

Why do you call me an idiot? It's just my opinion, if you don't like it just ignore me

That nurse he interviews is the most telling scene in retrospect

Yas Forums is all about catharsis. Fuck you!

I remember when I watched it, I almost immediately figured out that he was crazy and the missing prisoner. It legit made me pissed as fuck I was right because I had hoped something so obvious wasn't the "twist".

What was the scene that tipped you off?

I love Scorsese but if you can't see that this movie was a massive misstep you need to take his dick out of your mouth

I was an extra in this movie

If you see that movie as a massive misstep you are a pleb with shit taste and a low IQ