What the fuck did I just watch?

What the fuck did I just watch?

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literally the worst movie of the last half century

My dad got angry at 1:22 and refused to reenter the main room until it was off the tele

Funny way of saying Suspiria 2018

Mindsommar is worse but this comes close.


Man boy love in black and white

oh right forgot midsommar. op you watched the second worst movie of the last half century


i thought it was pretty good

this should be a meme

i honestly though I would like this better. I thought the witch was great, and was really looking forward to this, but it was just so..lacking. the cinematography, direction and acting was great, but I came away from the film hollow. maybe it was the lack of a clear narrative, I’m not sure. also, I couldn’t tell if egger’s wanted to adapt poe’s story, a greek myth or just mix real life sailor fables. I’m still looking forward to the northman though.

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I didn't enjoy this movie when I watched it, but I have really weird fond memories of it. I was expecting a horror movie, got a comedic descent into madness. Mermaid was hot, though.

> two idiots in a lighthouse
my dad's summary

also, on a positive note, I would say this is probably one of the best depictions of weird fiction in film. people always talk about how hard it is to adapt lovecraftian horror, but I would say nailing weird fiction is even harder.

Fucking art

It's goddamn hilarious how much this film angers idiots

>the northman
I am, too, but I also want him to fucking adapt Nosferatu like he said

Nah, this isn't weird fiction, this is pure drama, Mothman Prophecies is pure weird fiction

so what exactly was the deal with the light?

desu probably nothing. they just went fucking crazy

A movie by someone who really wants to be as good as Ingmar Bergman but isn't. Disappointing.

light reveals darkness, thus is tied to judgement. Pattinson was unworthy

unworthy of what

the light is salvation, which thomas couldnt have.

the light
jfc user

Post mermaid pussy

It evokes some of the same kind of appeal that Lovecraftian horror does in the shots that depict the lone island in an incomprehensibly massive ocean, the light in the lighthouse, and Winslow's descent into madness.

i liked the music

What's the name of this?

He can pull the visuals, but not the story. The only other person I'd trust with making a Lovecraft movie is Denis Villeneuve because of Enemy. He can do mood and oppressive atmosphere incredibly well.

Das Lichthaus


I want to see that more than the northman. hopefully he gets around to it sooner rather than later.
I’d argue that the lighthouse is a dark comedy with heavy drama elements. I was laughing too much throughout for it to be a straight drama.

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usually I watch movies sober, but with the little I knew about the lighthouse I decided to try watching this high.

I'd recommend giving it a shot. If you take edibles your high will escalate with the madness, and you'll firsthand experience the loss of sense of time the characters suffer from

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