No sex for 30 days

>no sex for 30 days
wow talk about a crazy premise!

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>all these people are soo dumb
>Alexas advice sucks and isn't working
>This is a waste of time these fuckboys/girls will cheat as soon as they leave here
>Can i leave pls
She was based and redpilled.

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my wife likes to watch this show a lot, but i've never seen it. what is it about?

>black guys in the center with all the white women
Fucking Netflix

It's been said already, but they really should have used a bunch of ugly and socially awkward virgins instead of Chads.

>saying these men are chads
Jesus christ what happened to standards?

>thinking your local Yas Forums gymcel is a chad just because he has big muscles and can squat 300kg

chad is a word insecure guys call men they view as higher on the social ladder. A big issue with a lot of young men today is they willingly give up their position as a man and lower themselves before they even know who they are. That's why you get these threads all the time with these kids who lash out at women because god forbid a woman chooses to be with a confident man with hobbies and a job and family life VS picking some meek guy who lives in fear and insecurities of everybody around them.

Incels want a woman to be a "mommy", average normal men want somebody they can grow with and who co-provides needs and helps them succeed. That's why incels call men master names like "chads" and why they choose to just outright resent women instead of admitting they need to fix stuff in their life to attract the women they like.

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Not to nitpick but these guys have shit legs i doubt they can squat over 100kg.

Why did they pick such niggery looking niggers? Surely they could have found some more attractive lightskinned blacks? Anyone in the black community could find you a better looking brother in 10 mins. Also,
I guess theyre all just human trash then? Is the appeal like watching jersey shore where theyre all horrible trainwrecks of character?

Maybe Charles Darwin was right after all.

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Yes. They get tested on their chastity
>One night alone in bedroom
They all fail the test. Some even have oral sex in the same room as everyone else. The entire group is bordering on being in an orgy.

Stoner Jesus and Black Accountant are pretty based for immediately going on thot patrol as soon as the money gets involved

racism is the biggest sign of poor education and lack of world experience. stop being scared of everybody around you like a little dog.

I was a virgin at 23. Now I'm 24 and have had sex with 16 people and sexual relations with a further 22

you mean the opposite of that

HBD is the true galaxybrain conclusion
anti-racism is just some reverse dunning-krueger effect where you become dumber the more you know until you realize the idiots were right all along by just listening to their intuitions and not thinking

>stop being scared despite the fact that even though they make up only 13%

You went from cringe incel to full blown degenerate. Well done!

shut up faggot

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a sexless woman can be a dangerous thing

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All black countries are shitholes

what did you do?

Yes. It's honestly better than being a khv by a wide mile.

>tfw 35 year old khv
what do?

>instead of admitting they need to fix stuff in their life to attract the women they like.
i know i need to fix stuff in my life, but i don't know how

Masters degree business owner here
Fuck niggers and fuck you beta bitch

I have lived in non-white countries for years and let me tell you it will make you 100% more racist

Harry Jowsey is relentlessly handsome.

imagine advertising here and thinking you aren't being tracked

what are you talking about?

Just sound like porn, where you don't see any of the porn...

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well when you have sex several times a week, since you were a teen, yeah, that's probably gonna be hard to handle

>this actually exists
every day jesus weeps for humanity

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