>Oh you couldn't save my wife, literally the sole reason I joined you? Then I quit, you're under arrest in the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic
Oh you couldn't save my wife, literally the sole reason I joined you? Then I quit...
>Galactic Senate of the Republic
That doesn’t exist anymore bro vader
You swindled me! - Darth Vader
>Thank you for helping me Palpatine, truly you are my greatest ally.
This is the correct answer.
I agree with this overall hot take. George Lucas definitely dropped the ball with the NOOOO scene.
Anakin has nothing left at this point so the Empire and Sith is all there are for him. Still you, would have thought palpy could have kept stringing him alone with the hope he could bring back padme
The worst part of the "conversion" is that it make Anakin look just plaid stupid. Not just because he was so easily and blatantly manipulated prior to being turned, but mostly because he goes from "yeah, Mace, I agree he needs to stand trail" to "yeah, Palps, I agree there was a Jedi plot and from my point of view the Jedi are evil and OH YEAH the most logical thing to do at this point is murder kids" in under 30 seconds.
If they'd revealed or implied that he knew it was all BS and was only going along with things just to squeeze "Padme-saving intel" out of Palpatine before overthrowing him, fine, but it's clear from later actions and dialogue that he'd swallowed the Kool-Aid. Makes no fucking sense.
In the comics Vader force chokes Palpatine but then he starts using force lightning and Vader has to fall in line because he would fry suit thus forcing him into the slave role for life.
>but then he starts using force lightning and Vader has to fall in line because he would fry suit thus forcing him into the slave role for life.
Thats shitty. Should have had palpatine pull some psychological manipulation on Vadar
I didn’t read that as Anakin really believing the Jedi were corrupt and treasonous but he was slyly stating what his official statement would be. Keeping in mind Anakin was the greatest holonet celebrity in the galaxy his endorsement of any story the Supreme Chancellor says will carry weight.
>Screw this, I'm going to get a job at Dexter's Diner
it was dumb the transition was so sudden but lucas had to get the full suit in to sell vader toys
Think of it as opening the flood gates for evil stuff.
Once Anakin let go of the Jedi code and all that it's like a huge release of built up pressure.
Now he can roam around and choke whoever he wants and use his jedi power to fuck things up.
Also the Sith by no means think they're "doing right" by anyone. They're evil and they want to do bad things. He knows full well Palpatine fucked him over but it just basically feeds into his anger, which makes him more powerful.
It's not like Sidious is his buddy now, they're each other's competition and would kill each other at a moments notice if it's beneficial to them.
Dunno about all that, I read the Rise of Darth Vader book and it’s pretty great explaining how the suit Palpatine chose was intentionally archaic and handicapped Vader intentionally so he could never carry out the Sith imperative of apprentice killing and overthrowing master properly without dying too. Also brings Anakins character ark full circle from slave boy, to Jedi Knight, back to slave.
He didn't believe that there was a jedi plot, he just agreed with Sheev that since he had murdered Windu. The whole "the jedi are relentless, they will never stop hunting us, we must destroy them first to save ourselves" line.
Killed sheev for ruining his life.
This is a poor explanation given that Vader could have easily made a new suit in secret.
Why didn't Vader just reflect the lightning with his lazer sword?
Yes, that's what would've happened if these movies made any sense
The book (or maybe comics?) explains all of this. His body healed into the suit and it would take dangerous and painful surgery to get into a new suit. Eventually he planned to do this, but he was afraid Palapatine would kill him while he was doing the procedures. I think eventually he trusted palapatine wouldn’t kill him but didn’t follow though anyway
I'm not into the extended universe stuff. How long does it take for the rebellion to establish themselves and start taking action? I could see Anakin taking Palpatine out because of revenge and the rebellion taking that opportunity to fuck shit up. I never understood why he decided to stay by his side when the whole reason he decided to join him was to save Padme.
Why didn’t the eagles fly him onto the high ground?
I think you may have missed the point that Anakin was a profoundly dysfunctional person who already had a record of making irrational and often disastrous decisions.
Nah he's right, these movies are just terribly written.
This. What's Anakin going to do?
>Oh hey, sorry I killed all those people. I don't like Sheev anymore. Can I rejoin you?
fuck why is there so much interesting shit in the EU that's never touched by the canon media?
Which is why it doesn't make sense that he doesn't fuck Palpatine's shit up when he finds out he couldn't save his wife. Especially if he's immediately threatened into submission and treated like a slave.
Under rated. I dig me some Hermione Bagwa.
He's got revenge for this lying fuck that ruined his life.
Jedi: Fallen Order takes place 6 years after the Clone Wars (13 years before Episode 4) and Forest Whitaker's character from R1 is already leading rebellions on Kashyyyk, though he's not "the Rebellion." At the time of R1 the Rebellion is just a couple years old and it seems like that it's first serious engagement as a coherent organization, since its members can't even agree to send a fleet to steal the Death Star plans.
I guess people refute the Empire immediately and this a rebellion starts. Vader starts to enjoy hunting down remaining Jedi right away. As for when they assemble fleets and you’d have to read the books I think the timeline is that they ran mostly costly hit and run strikes using all their hyper fuel for light speed jumps into and out of imperial space. Only when the rebellion got more serious Palps called Vader back for war.
I could be wrong about that but a lot of the EU stuff is great and you should check it out.
>His body healed into the suit and it would take dangerous and painful surgery to get into a new suit.
That is what we call contrivance.
If they never had any cuts from the movie (I think the original was 3 hours) we could've gotten a proper transition. Because anakin's transition is way too fucking fast.
That said I would absolutely kill for a clone wars version of Episode 3.
Ay sheev, make me a sandwich?
>I guess i'm just gonna bow down to this treacherous fuck that lied and manipulated me, ruined my life and fucked the whole galaxy up, and is now threatening me into being his slave.
Not really m8. Could easily have been part of Lucas’s initial vision with the respirator running through his throat and such but again the suit is all explained in great detail in Rise if Darth Vader.
How is he going to fuck up his superior at the time, especially when he has JUST been turned into a cyborg. The suit is also shown to display weakness to force lightning, for a reason.
I was planning to use that money on death sticks
>Palpatine chose was intentionally archaic and handicapped Vader intentionally so he could never carry out the Sith imperative of apprentice killing and overthrowing master properly without dying too
yeah that's ok it fits palpatine but the idea of him psychically dominating and beating anakin into submission seems to undermine the previous relationship of palpatine slowly manipulating him. I would like to this Vadar's slave position to him is based more on his psychological chains rather than raw force
>going to do
Rule as emperor himself, fix the Jedi, end slavery in the outer worlds, fix the corruption in the senate, and go down in history as the Augustus caesar of the empire.
Originally it was explained as an iron lung. Now it is some type of organic tech that fuses to his body. Come on man. That is just an invention to explain why we are back peddling our pre-return of the jedi stories, because of the lighting thing.
I don't mean immediately, but seeing how he's been consumed by his anger, i think it would make more sense for Anakin to plan some sort of retribution against Palpatine instead of just taking the L and becoming his submissive pet until Luke makes him change his mind in the last 10 minutes.
The inter-war period is the coolest part of Star Wars lore. You have nascent Rebels, criminal organizations taking advantage of the chaos, Confederate holdouts who (rightfully) reject the CIS leadership's "surrender" and then execution at the hands of Vader as illegitimate and above all the Imperial military that we all love flexing it's full might and bullying republican sympathizers.
I would especially love to see more material about the Confederate holdouts and Rebels working together.
Guys what do you think of my gay fanfiction
>Anakin is a great Jedi Knight trained by Obi Wan
>They both do so cool Jedi shit while hunting down the Sith
>Anakin’s body is slowly breaking from doing these missions and he doesn’t know why. Needs augmentations just to stand up.
>Obi Wan finds out from the Council that Anakin is gonna die from overextending himself from using the Force
>Mace Windu and the Council have no intention of telling Anakin because they need him to do their bidding
>Yoda is pissed and quits the Council.
>Yoda tells Obi Wan that he needs to be the one to tell Anakin. Proceeds to fuck off to Dagobah.
>Obi Wan takes too long and Sidious gets to tell Anakin first
>Builds him this fancy new suit with a cool helmet to keep him alive
>Anakin joins the Sith to get revenge on the Council and believes Obi Wan was in on their plan to let him die
Let’s post some of the best Star Wars novels because I see a lot of people interested ITT.
First of all, some really great audio-books are right on YouTube and complete collections can be found on PirateBay. I’m sure PDF formats and such are even easier to find.
Anything by James Luceno is prime kino. Tarkin, Rise of Darth Vader, Darth Plaguies, Labyrinth of Evil.
Timmothy Zhan is a great author. All the Thrawn novels are great. There’s the originals from 1991. And then there’s the new trilogy (Thrawn, Thrawn: Alliances, and Thrawn: Treason)
The novelizations for the prequels fix a lot of the plot holes and they’re much better than the movies.
There’s also the Bounty Hunter Wars trilogy which is great and I highly recommend Clone Wars: Wild Space.
Which ones am I missing boys?
I think it'd be fine as an Elseworlds sort of thing. Raises too many questions about the nature of the Force with his disability thing though.
>In the comics
Immediately disregarded.
He is weaker than Palpatine because he was del-imbed. But also has had multiple apprentices to join him in overthrowing the empire. Sith always plot against each other, he just wasn't successful.
It’s not organic tech it’s his skin healing into the suit but I don’t remember or care enough to get into this further. Read the book or don’t I don’t care but it’s silly to argue about something you don’t know.
The X-Wing books are my favorites. I personally avoid most books about the main crew, I think the movies tell their story well enough. I need to read Tarkin, it's been on my list for a while.