Wait, user. You never kissed a woman? Really?

Wait, user. You never kissed a woman? Really?

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I am abstaining from any physical contact with the opposite gender until marriage.

do you think a woman will marry someone with no experience? even escorts need references these days

I'm not marrying a whore

yeah, can i have some DMT?

then you're marrying someone too ugly to get dick

so you are a faggot?

>Had sex before my first kiss
Anyone else have friends that did this?

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The ones that lost it to prostitutes, yeah

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>getting rejected by an escort
Does this really happen

Well Joe, I've been too busy working on my craft, the art of stand up comedy.


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How does this bitch get any business after posting that.

by being sexy and having hairy pits

really enjoyed the recent Brian Greene podcast. Any other kino podcast? liked dr. phil and jordan peterson as well

This is why you dont pay up front. Same with drugs never give them the money first.


I'm 30 and never had sex or gf

>I AM 5 FOOT 7
There's your answer

i love this cope trend of turning your lack of experience into a moral stance


Is it worth the circumcision bros? Money isn't an issue

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>I AM 5 FOOT 7
It never began for you. 5'anything is a problem, but under 5'10 it's basically over.

As an adult, if you have no problem like phimosis, then fuck no.
Babies will be able to heal most of the scar tissue, adults cannot.

I know but it still hurts. I still have hope sometimes and it HURTS

Oh, you meant specifically for this bitch.

Don't get circumcised, it's a Jewish meme. Being uncut is WAY better.

height doesn't matter

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funny how every woman is a whore, yet you're a virgin. interesting

this, it's like incel 101

chad king of manlets

Have fun with herpes, stinky vaginas and bad breath. Only the crackiest crack whores would let you fuck first and pay later.
How do I know that? Your mom.

>tfw such an incel that even prostitutes friend zone you

Kissing before marriage is unironic degeneracy

With Jews, you lose!

All you have to do is not smell like ass, hang out in places with people, and have the balls to start a conversation.

This shit isn't that hard.

what if youre afraid of the shower?

>Just be yourself bro

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so Joe, I've had coronavirus
Yah, drank too many coronas hahaha

Then go online. It's someone's fetish

I've started conversations with plenty of women, still never had sex or a relationship. Life isn't fair, grow up.

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Only incels use three syllable words.

Your only hope is womanlets or a desperate tall girl that guys don't pay attention to. I'd go for the latter so you'll have normal sized offspring if that's even what you want.

short girls and freakish tall girls are both huge height queens due to insecurities.

Those are three requirements, you’re probably missing at least another five

>hang out in places with people

I have no friends
