Zack Snyder's Original Plan For The JUSTICE LEAGUE Trilogy


>Darkseid invades Earth in ancient times in search of the Anti-Life Equation, but is defeated and three Mother Boxes are left behind.
>Steppenwolf invades Earth on present day to retrieve the Mother Boxes, which are fueled by humanity’s despair over Superman’s death.
>The Justice League revives Superman and defeats Steppenwolf.
>Green Lantern Hal Jordan and Martian Manhunter, who had been masquerading as General Swanwick, alert Batman about Darkseid.


>Batman convinces the League to confront Darkseid in Apokolips.
>Superman is reluctant because Lois Lane is pregnant.
>The League arrives in Apokolips. Darkseid defeats them and captures Superman.
>Darkseid extracts the Codex in Superman’s DNA and unlocks the Anti-Life Equation.
>Darkseid invades and decimates Earth, reducing it to a wasteland.
>Superman escapes and learns that Lois died in the invasion.
>Superman kills Darkseid, but is corrupted by the Anti-Life Equation. He kills Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter and conquers what is left of Earth.


>Superman has become the dictator that Batman foresaw in the Knightmare.
>Batman is captured trying to acquire Kryptonite and executed by Superman.
>Flash and Cyborg build the Cosmic Treadmill. Flash travels back in time and warns Batman.
>The League assembles the humans, meta-humans, Amazons, Atlanteans and Green Lanterns to defend Earth from Darkseid.
>Batman builds a weapon powered the alien element Radion that can kill Darkseid.
>Lois gives birth in the Batcave during the battle. Darkseid teleports there to retrieve the Codex and kill Superman.
>Batman sacrifices himself to protect Lois and the child from Darkseid’s Omega beams and shoots Darkseid with the Radion weapon before being disintegrated by Darkseid's omega beams.
>Superman and Lois name their child “Bruce” in Batman’s honor.
>Batman's sacrifice inspires a new generation of heroes to join the Justice League.

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To crash’s this pain
With no surveyors

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>Superman is a dictator
seriously, are comic book writers AND cinema writers complete fucking retards? Superman is good.

It's shit.


Release the Sneeder Cut

Based. We don't deserve this man.

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>>Batman's sacrifice inspires a new generation of heroes to join the Justice League.
and then Snyder makes Flashpoint instead of letting fat niggers come in to make their Nu Jewstice Society with Zendaya or some shit?

actually sounds like kino, snyder is a genious

says who ?

Dictator Superman is best supe

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fake and gay he was setting up his JL to be like the Animation with hints of inJustice.

no he's not, wholesome superman is and will always be superior

I want Chris Terrio to come back too.

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So is an extended arch of infinity war/endgame?
you are not very creative larper user.
>bad guy wins and fuck everyone up
>few survivers go back in time, fix shit
>new showdown with bad guy
>good boys win but leader sacrifice himself.

fuck you OP.

It's all so fucking tiresome.

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I dare you to say that stupid word out loud.
Comic book fans are cringe, but more than that, they're fucking stupid.


Seeing Snydercucks SEETHING because their hack director got exposed and became a laughingstock is always a joy.

>It's fucking Injustice the movie.

I am glad this didn't happen.

Are you stupid ? Theses script were written before iw and endgame even came out

They didnt shoot those scene because warner bros refused the original script so they had to rewrite another script and then they revealed the original justice league (op's post ) in a interview

the next thing we knew was they added several reshoot to MCU movie

MCU are the real hacks and I dont know they managed to faild End Game so hard IW was so good

Everyone knows Whedon is to blame. Snyder has literally done nonthing wrong.

Whedon did his best to salvage Snyder's trainwreck.

>Anti Life Equation
This shit is so fucking retarded and cringe and yet you fags claim these movies are deep and artistic

>I dare you to say that stupid word out loud.
Ok I did and it just sounds like Apocalypse.

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They are both deep and entertaining. That's the genius of Snyder.

>Batman sacrifices himself
sounds like a shitty "and i am iron man" thing

These Justice League plots are a lot more DC. DC has a lot more time travel and alternate dimensions than Marvel does.
This is like Injustice and Flashpoint.


A far better plan would have been as followed:

Film 1: Superman escapes from his grave but has amnesia due to nearly being killed. Darkseid invades Earth to get the Mother Boxes and kill Superman. Lois finds Superman, they kiss and Clark's memories come back and Darkseid is forced back. Teaser is the Green Lanterns sending Guy Gardner to Earth as "the dawning" has happened.

JLA 2: Guy Gardner shows up, joins the Justice League. Batman punches Guy when he tries to take over as leader. Superman expels Bruce from the League over the punch. Guy reveals that he's come to let the heroes know that Earth is a "seed world" where potentially the next race of immortals (IE super-heroes) will be born. Darkseid's chief goal isn't the anti-life equation but to kill all of the worlds where the Fifth World of Gods will come from, since once the Fifth World dawns, the Fourth World (and Darkseid/Apocalypse) will die. Seed worlds have a Mother Box on them, signifying a planet as a potential home for the Fifth World

Villain for JLA 2 is Queen Bee, who wants to enslave the heroes and conquer the planet and harvest humanity's DNA to become immortal. Lex Luthor is helping her on the side, but betrays her in order to help the JLA win and get the public to think of him as a good guy again. Ending is Batman and Luthor aligned to take down the JLA because of the implications of normal humans going extinct. Teaser is Darkseid and Apokalips being destroyed by the Anti-Monitor.

JLA 3: Crisis War. Anti-Monitor attacks Earth, since he wants to destroy the positive matter universe and Earth is the Center of the Universe. Oa is destroyed and the Guardians and surviving members of the GL Corps flee to Earth. Crisis happens and Batman eventually discovers a way to destroy Anti-Monitor but Luthor (who has cancer) decides t be the one who does the suicide attack that destroys the anti-monitor and saves creation after Superman and Luthor have it out and Luthor properly shamed for his misdeeds.

Dictator Superman is kino

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I like it but it's absolutely retarded for a cinematic universe.