Gets cucked out of a woman he has been pursuing for years by his mutilated half-breed son who he spent years trying to...

>gets cucked out of a woman he has been pursuing for years by his mutilated half-breed son who he spent years trying to save from slavery

Name a bigger cuck in the history of TV, I dare you.

also Farscape thread

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that whole arc made me so fucking mad. there is no reason to add it. purely jewish subversion of a wholesome show

D'argo is at least twice Chianna's age, and he had seen and done a lot of shit. He just wanted to retire with a Thanos dream. He saved his son, escaped the Peacekeepers, had his hottie little grey sex machine squirrel. Sounds like dude had a plan. Chianna just didn't like the plan because she was a young squirrely sex addicted thot. So she fucked it up the best way she knew how. Also, how the hell would they have written him out? Brought him back for a few episodes here and there?

That's what happens when you try to settle down with a whore who has been with like 3000 men, women and sexless aliens before getting to you

>wholesome show
that show was 70% deviant sex antics

It was probably the weakest part of the show for me, or at least it was when the resolution was him actually forgiving Chiana. It didn't ruin her character or anything, she was always a slut, but it undermined D'argo that he could just forgive that shit.

at least he didn’t get cucked by his own clone

as a member of the alt-right, Farscape is literally the best sci-fi show for establishing a white ethno-state

Why are you a member of something that doesn't exist?

ok so apparently you aren't aware of which memes are cringe

I'm not saying that the writing doesn't make sense. I think it was actually a good progression of all the characters involved, including Jothee who up until that point was a literal nothing character.

I'm just saying that one can't be done much dirtier than D'Argo was. If he had never saved Jothee, he still has plenty of time to get Chianna to settle down. They would still have plenty of adventuring to do in getting Crichton home and maybe by that time she's ready for the farm. Plus rescuing him indirectly led to Aeryn's temporary death and eventually Zhann's terminal illness. He got put through a ton of shit just for doing the right thing.

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She'll never be ready for the farm, she's a "free spirit" and I'm sure post-series she cheated on him again.

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>D'argo is at least twice Chianna's age
Not really. They establish in the first episode that Dargo is quite young. Probably the equivalent of a 20 year old for his species.

He said he was 32 cycles, around there? And I think Chiana is maybe 23-24?

This show was its own level of kino

Nigga, you sure that was the clone?
That was the whole point. The two were completely identical. Even to having the wormhole knowledge, and the Harvey neural clone. Even the Ancients could not tell the Crichtons apart.

Terrible subplot. Farscape is the soapiest of the sci-fi dramas and it's the thing I liked least about it

Nobody likes a boring romance, and Chiana/D'argo bored me shitless

so smoking

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>He said he was 32 cycles, around there?
I don't remember their specific ages, just that literally everything else ages slower and lives longer than Humans and that D'argo, according to Zhann, was almost a boy to her. Hell, for all I know, Chiana could be older than D'argo.

She did. She took 16 year old John's virginity. It was hilarious.

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>that show was 70% deviant sex antics

(whale noise)

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fuck off no it wasnt. if it was you would be able to name them all then, go on name the 70% you stupid retard

fuck you and your trying to alter reality and peoples perceptions


Humans are SUPERIOR!

Farscape is my favourite sci-fi show.

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Pretty sure he had to be older than that. Jothee was around 20 when introduced, and D'argo had been in prison for 8 cycles. Plus, D'argo had been on two major military campaigns prior to his wife being killed. I would put him early forties. Perfect age for midlife crisis of chasing young chicks.

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Better as blonde.
Claudia was hot as shit with dark hair, but blonde Claudia wins hands down.

Shame that Claude doesn't photograph well. I've had a tough time explaining to newcomers why I had a crush on her back in the day

You have to see her in live-action. She's no sex symbol (not bad looking for a Jewish princess but far from the TV standard). But she's got an otherworldly look, and her action scenes look authentic. Add to that her ASMR-inducing pirate-wench voice. Apparently they were going to go with a blonde orginally, but CB blew their socks off with her acting

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When I played Dragon Age I always romanced Morrigan and never explored the other romancable companions

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I think you would get tired of Reese Witherspoon's jaw or Anne Hathaway's gaping maw before Claude would make you turn away.
She was hot and cool.

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