Is the extended edition better than theatrical? Is it intended for obsessional fanboys?

Is the extended edition better than theatrical? Is it intended for obsessional fanboys?

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I remember wasting 12 hours of my life watching it in the southern new zealand alps with an obsessed family friend (we were exploring sets there on holiday).
It was... long.

>Is the extended edition better than theatrical?
it achieves equal levels of terribleness as the original.
>Is it intended for obsessional fanboys?

Name literally one person who actually likes the Hobbit movies

The second one isn't that bad

Peter Jackson

woops, ignore I thought it was LotR.
Why the fuck would you want to watch the normal Hobbit, let alone the extended Hobbit?
I think it was a mess because Jackson screwed the management up I think. Heard there were production problems.

Snilbo Snaggins
Snandalf (Mithransnil)
Snaruman (Snurunir)
Snorin Oakensnield
Snollum (Sneagol)
Snáin II Ironfeed
Snrodo Snaggins

best part was the aging whoopsie having a tearful breakdown about "this is not why I got into acting a-bloo-bloo"

The second was half decent, but really the Hobbit is not great movie material like the LotR. Not much Jackson could do to beef up the series. It just never was going to be the epic like LotR.

Now I've heard this had true potential though:
Apparently it's more connected to Celtic myth or something and it's not really finished, so you can do whatever the fuck you want with it.

Yeah I heard things about the production. kek

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I’ll drink to that.

>I think it was a mess because Jackson screwed the management up I think.
MGM did. Jackson was strong-armed into doing it because when Del-toro left the production, MGM was going to get someone (I forget who) who Jackson knew had absolutely ZERO respect for the source material, so it was either allow a film series to be worse than they'd be without him, or bite the bullet and do it himself despite having nowhere near the amount of production time he'd need to do it right like he did with TLoTR trilogy.

You may think Jackson is the villain in all of this, but in the end he was truly the victim.

I've never seen the extended editions, I don't know why they exist. But if you don't value your time, watch them.

This. I don't know how Jackson did it, but he finally got everything right in that movie only to hit a wall at the end. The ending was so stupid with the gold and stuff, idk why he didn't just have Smaug die in 2, there was enough action in 3 as was.

is there a decent 90 minute cut?

I don't think many people, who remember news of the issues, think it's his fault. Clearly it was a bumpy ol mess and nothing like LotR production wise.

Yeah I think green screens are the bane of film making so I agree with him there.


What'd he think of Cats then?

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There's an edit out there that combines all three movies, cuts out as much of the shit as it can without becoming completely incoherent (but you can only fix so much) and it's still too damn long and still kind of sucks.

I've never been able to make it all the way through the thing. I think it's like 4 hours or so total.

theatrical version is always better, especially with lotr

4 hours and 28 minutes.


Yeah I've seen that. Problem is you can only solve so much by removing crap. Also I don't think it was ever meant to be just one movie or three. It should always have been two movies just like the book is in two parts.

That scene was fucked

Yeah I feel bad for the guy cause it destroyed his rep. There was something like 5-10 years of pre-prod for lotr where he had like 6 months for the hobbit, and they wanted a new film every year or two. Completely insane. There’s a bts interview where he talks about just shooting random fight scenes because the scripts weren’t ready so they had nothing to shoot, he just had to put he actors in to do something and somehow cut it together later

Your opinion on this elf?

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