Jokerfags, give me 5 reasons this film is actually good that isn't "muh Joaquin" Because it's literally the biggest hunk of shit I've ever seen.
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ill write something up but im biased because todd phillips is my favorite filmmaker. i have 2 autographed posters.
You wouldn't get it.
>Todd is based and /ourguy/
literally how?
2. ARE
niggerfaggot lol
he's also known to be incredibly shitty to women and rude to interviewers, once starting one off with saying "I heard this site sucks"
you mean the enfotrerser
That makes him an asshole. How is that based?
>straight white male
>makes film twitter seethe
>near 50 and still looks hot
>makes kino, whether comedy or drama they all have a signature style to them with a darker undertone beneath all of them.
>they all have a signature style to them
They don't, though? Joker looks nothing like his other films, and they picked him after trying to get Scorsese for two years. He then imitates Scorsese. It's not hard to work out what happened here. It's pretend auteurism, stolen glory. As Phil Collins sang "he's only a kike, it's just a shame, and that's all. That's a-a-all...".
How about you give us 5 reasons it's the biggest hunk of shit you've ever seen.
You wouldn't get it.
I don't respond to mobile posters
He literally wrote the film. Scorsese only thought about directing once. He was mostly set to be a producer.
style isn't just in looks user
Niggerfag, give me 5 reasons this film is actually not good that isn't "muh Joaquin" Because it's literally the biggest hunk of kino I've ever seen
>That makes him an asshole. How is that based?
Joker is kino
It's 6/10 at best after the first watch.
every movie is 0/10 in the first watch if you are high IQ enough to stop being human though so your metric is shit
>one-off capeshit that wasn’t part of the mainstream DC cinematic universe
>kino ending/punchline
>shows Todd Phillips is a capable director beyond The Hangover
>one of the most believable depictions of mental health distress to date
>the memes
OP this is how you know it's not good and only praised by redditors
>straight white male
The fact that this mongrel called a *** a white male should tell you everything
It's shit, and I saw it 5 times thinking it was good. 2 times in the theater, 3 on video, and this is why it sucks
>to afraid to commit to poor vs rich themes
>minimum effort performance by anyone not Joaquin
>call it joker cause your reverse american psycho project wouldn't sell tickets otherwise
Walkings performance is what carries it. It's pretty mediocre aside from that. The drunk driver joke and the midget not being able to get out of the apartment were funny though.
Fucking yikes, what has the man done aside from The Hangover and Joker? How can Todd fucking Phillips be your favorite director?
Overrated overhyped movie.
Not trolling but people think it's some deep philosophical film about some nobody who was pushed over the edge and was sprinkled with some of the most cliche writings of a character I've ever seen. It's suuuuper overrated.