Tune in boyos, We might be about to witness the monumental announcement that the Supreme Leader has passed away.
North Korea Live News
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is this site for real?
Yes- starting now
Lol I like how they start the broadcast with the image of Great Grandpa Kim.
finally its time for a real woman leader
She cute, she could dictate my dick.
Is this the new Kill Bill trailer
nice legu
>ankle bruise
It's in Korean.
They're now talking about food, pretty sure they're not announcing homeboy's death.
>those milky calves
Juche my dick mommy
An American typed this
Are they saying how national crop yields exceeded projections . I just want to know about great leader.
I wonder what her feet smell like.
wtf man what is this hoax
bullshit, i don't believe a word of it.
tfw no high level party member gf
why has no country ever invaded nk and liberated their people from fascism?
stop shilling you south korean fascist colonialist imperialist puppet, those imbued with the Mount Paektu bloodline never die, they ascend to godhood to smite the amerikkkans from the heavens
Nukes and China.
literally nothing of value
what about Jong-Un's wife? I thought she was going to be the new leader
They're communist not fascist you moron
I'd rather live in North Korea than Trumps Amerikkka
Why would we? Any first-world country would steamroll the fuck out of them, but it would still come at huge cost.
Like the fact that then you'd be responsible for 25,000,000 starving people with zero education, and a country full of Zimbabwe-tier infastructure.
Because you can’t liberate their minds.
American education
They’ve been preparing their people for a foreign invasion for decades. Even the civilians would be too brainwashed to accept foreign rule
weakest bait
Was Kim an incel?
Modernizing any nation and getting them to contribute to the global market is a positive for everyone.
A unified Korea under a Democratic government would be a boon for the global economy and would more than make up for the costs of regime change, reeducation of the population and modernization of infrastructure.
no they don't let women become leaders in the DPRK
what's the difference?
He was unironically the best hope for reform and co-operation with the West.
You can criticize USA for a lot of things, but "starving" is not one of them.
her name is YO, LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
South Korea should be forced to liberate them no-one else
no, it would be his sister first. then presumably his children
America and its vassals tried this in the fifties. China fucked them back into the South. The war also killed like 15 percent of their population, mostly civilians, and it's what made them the way they are today.
Because he executed most of the reformers who had wanted closer relations with the West
same thing. all tyrants deserve the same
I can't understand any of this shit
Reminder no one knows who the father of her child is, so it's most likely Dennis Rodman
Bullshit. The North Koreans invaded the south in June 1950, the Americans and the South only pushed back later on
Except everybody else would have to shoulder massive costs over decades to get it there.
When East and West Germany reunified, the economic cost of picking up the decrepit GDR after those retards was huge, and North Korea would ten times worse still
Yes but then he resurrected them and promoted them to high level positions six months later.
south koreans still see north koreans as siblings and want unity through peace
i dont know why. if it was white people we would have disowned each other at the start
>has children
>qt wife
>every young woman in your country wants you
>leads a country that makes Jews and Americans seethe constantly
I think Yong-un is a chad