/bst/ - battlestation thread

Didn't see one in the catalog so let's get this shit going. Post your battlestation, rate a battlestation.

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Nice battlestation

Aw yeah, just got back from the cosco to get my copy of fury road. Anyone else picked it up?

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mind sharing your hommer simpson wall paper?

Watching movies on the laptop on the right atm.

Seek a physician. You look like a gnome.

wtf how do you geeks live like this? go outside

I watching movies on the laptop on the right to the one on the left has a broken screen from where I dropped it. Is a lot of clutter but I've been digging out the basement to expand it. Does not look like much but it's comfy

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it's all yours my friend :)

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can't do that user, i might catch the wuhan wheeze

i marie kondo'd my kinostation and now looks like a fucking guest room

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what's with the pig?

you have to be 18 to post here

>high end pc
>live in a trailer
>lag when playing scout

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Does anyone even use the UV that comes with the dvd?

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all bst pics look the same. laptop battlestations are more interesting

is everyone an aspiring streamer now?

the point of laptops is that you can bring them anywhere. I haven't seen a single laptop battlestation outside. they're all trash

There are two types of people that bother to post in these sorts of threads: people that post their ritzy setup for praise and people that post their shit setup for laughs. The former tend to seek praise in other areas of their lives as well. The latter are will reply to this post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

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toilet paper for cooming, eating ice cream straight from the tub, rick and morty pop, actually watching a streamer. Yeah, I'm thinking degenerate

>hurr hurr look at me im from k

What do you record, user?

Nigga, why do you have toilet paper and a full tub of ice cream instead of a bowl?

That's not a battlestation user, that's a this is where I film videos about how obese and depressed I am as I struggle to maintain a dead YouTube channel after Microsoft fired me station.

What's it like living in a trailer park? I've always wondered.

people like this deserve to get their skull crushed

>Shitting on someone for owning guns
Commiefornian get out.

Post your battlestation then, faggot.

This is just the way that I live. If you took a photo of my bedroom right now, it would be the same except that my bed isn't made and my LCP is in my pocket instead of on the desk.
I share this house with two other housemates, so all of my gun stuff stays in my room.