What's the WORST movie you've ever seen?

What's the WORST movie you've ever seen?
No "so bad it's good" bullshit, just genuinely worthless movies.

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Any movie by Orson Welles

No Country For Old Men

Uncut Gems


Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li


Skate Kitchen.

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Date Movie

Date Movie.


Is that meant to say sinks or skins? Sinks aren't really a terrifying concept.

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Meet the Spartans.


The meme is to say Disaster Artist

The Matrix
Any Guy Richie movie

The Purge

Probably master of disguise.
Worst movie ive seen recently? Invincible Dragon.

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the meme is that you're autistic

I thought it said "sinks"

This movie is legit 0/10
2 fucking hours wasted

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**your honey

southland tales

It's a tie between an absolutely garbage flick called "Hirokin the last Samurai" and night of 1000 Cats.
So many of the people on this board don't know movies. If they did they would know how bad they can get and they wouldn't say shit like this:

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>he doesn’t like hunter s Thompson kino

damn way ahead of its time huh

Rubberface (1981) is by far the worst movie I have ever seen by a long shot. Rented it on VHS at a friends cottage ($7 for 7 movies for 7 days, what a deal). Even at under an hour, it took my and my buddy two sittings to get through it.

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Gigli got way more hate than it ever deserved - I found it to be a pleasant surprise and genuinely enjoyed it. Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez have terrific chemistry onscreen.

Popeye with Robin Williams

Birds Of Prey

Faun's labyrinth

bumblebee is the most generic thing i've ever seen
i went to see it because it had a 91 on RT and Yas Forums was saying how great it was but i could have came up with the plot in a day


If you go for hacky comedians pretending they are actors, a washed-up child actor who was never that good of an actor to begin with, excruciating pacing that makes bamboo torture sound like a tropical paradise, and some of the most irritating, godawful characters and storytelling ever committed to the silver screen - then, yes. It was way ahead of its time.

Get fucked. Go watch a properly bad movie sometime.
Popeye has loads going for it, a couple good songs, solid 8/10 set design, helley Duvall is watchable in it,
Not saying it's good, just that it's not completely bad.

And that goes for you to. Go see a really REALLY bad movie sometime.

Birdemic 2.

The first birdemic is bizarre and pretty funny at times but the sequel either comes off as nothing you haven't seen before so it's painfully uninteresting or it's intentionally made this way to try and hope lightning strikes twice. Regardless Birdemic 2 is unironically boring shit and not worth watching. The first one is alright with some friends.

No one else saw this but I want to thank you for posting this. Seriously, this film sucked ass. I can’t believe it actually thought I’d find any of these characters endearing.

The duality of man.
Easily in my top 5 of all time and rewatchability is number 1. I dont think I can ever watch this and not laugh hard outloud every other line or every 10 secs.


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donnie darko

Seriously fuck this movie. Made me feel genuinely sick, and not like in a Cronenberg body horror way, more like a really dirty Chuck E Cheese would.
Tied for my most hated movie with Sausage Party and TLJ

Onions boys.