Will she make North Korean kino?
Will she make North Korean kino?
Is there any particular reason why people are suddenly posting Kim's sister?
Kim died
Her dad made a shitton, he was a certified Yas Forums poster, complete with pretentiousness, shitposting (irl), and garbage taste.
she's cute
That nigga ded
Kim is dead
Korean Kim died and she's next in line
The Japs started a rumor Kim died, or is at least a vegetable.
this and only this.
Something wrong
I hold my head
Kim is gone
there is no source. it's just something going around in Asian tabloid newspapers.
Based and Yeezy pilled
tfw you couldn't protect his smile
She looks like a fucking mummy
I thought this was Mulan at first.
What's the best part of San Diego for a touched but independent white boy to find an Asian mate?
She could be my mummy any day
Rocket Queen is based.
Hope I can get some good Nork propaganda of her.
She puts every South Korean shaven plastic doll to shame with that strong bone structure
>Team America
>The Interview
Predict the 3rd film
A new Seth Rogan movie were instead of killing kim jong un he seduces his sister
she's actually gonna do it
you're all worried about the flu when a literal atomic bomb is coming your way
>getting kimmy stoned to save the world
holy fuck yellow fever fags have low standards, she's a 4 on her best day
>he fell for the thicc meme
>mommy leader of a fascist country
no i give it a week until she destroys it
That nigga dead af and lil sis is poised to take over
She genuinely looks like a homunculus
I want to take part in the liberation of the North just to cum on her angular Jomon face
Haven't have sex in weeks
Not a yellow guy but I'd smash