
Thread for the intellectual discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

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I went to the studio. I went to fox studio.

Bela Tarr > Andrei Tarkovsky
There. I said it.

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naturally, Tarkovsky is a hack

Hungarians are spooky. Elizabeth Báthory and Béla Lugosi were Hungarian too.

Would Tarkovsky be a Yas Forums posting incel in today’s society ?

It's Russia. Life would be the same for him today.

being a hack is the height of art

If you post on Yas Forums you don't have to be an incel.

Tarr looks like a gumsy Peter Christopherson, eh what?

To continue from there, it's apparent the discussion pertaining to film in these threads may indeed be intellectual, but thoughtful? Hardly. Words are twisted to serve the near wanton need for grandstanding. In disbelief I've watched the content of the threads hardly ever evolve past bickering between which public persona reigns above others. So many films are out there, so many varied takes on them, and yet the discussion just doesn't or can't go beyond the propping of people instead of ideas. Vapid vanity, stuck in a carousel of your own making, concocting fights to feed that blood lust of yours. Like in philosophy, those who live to debate, I see the same here. Living to debate who/what is better, not living to discuss who/what is.

People are educating themselves from within this culture, and of course this creates dissonances. There's also an element of shitposting, as with the nonsense about D. W. Griffith that gets posted every so often, always with the same picture.

Biggest disappointment in the history of cinema?

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>In the "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" everything is built according to canons that cannot be destroyed. Everything is already known in advance. The audience knows what is going to happen, but still watches as it all neatly resolves in typical Western manner. This is not art. This is a commercial enterprise, no matter what marvelous ideas you embellish it with. Everything is false and absurd.

>In Venice I saw the Anglo-American film "You Were Never Really Here", a tale about the love between a forty-year-old man and a 12-year-old girl. The film is empty from beginning to end, and I didn't feel anything but sadness and disgust as I watched it.

>"The Martian" is phony on many points, even for specialists – an intricate 'examination' of the technological processes of the future which transforms the emotional foundation of a film, as a work of art, into a lifeless schema with only pretensions to truth.

>"The Irishman" seems to me, in general, boring, unoriginal, and extremely unimaginative in its means of expression.

>I watched Mendes's "1917". Very weak lead actor and a misguided dramaturgy, like a cartoon.

>We attempted to watch "Marriage Story". I left in the middle. Monstrous boredom and a totally unglamourous actor [Adam Driver] who tries too hard to be charming.

>I watched the monstrously disgusting "Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi". Money, money, money, money... Nothing real, nothing true. No beauty, no truth, no sincerity, nothing. Made just for money's sake... It's unbearable to watch.

>"Parasite" – 4 Oscars, and so mediocre! Not terrible, but not very human either.

>I watched the much talked about "The Lighthouse". Scary stuff. Dafoe plays one of the leads. Very good.

>The brutality and low acting skills in "Alita: Battle Angel" are unfortunate, but, as a vision of the future and the relation between man and his destiny, the film pushes the frontiers of cinema as an art form.

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Stop posting this shit. You're not funny.

I am a queer, trans, working woman, a Marxist-Leninist, and a tired old woman. I am the world's foreleast expert on trans representation in film.

My preferred kinds of films include queer and trans cinema, quiet art films, experimental feminist films, slashers, gialli, 70s exploitation stuff, bright happy movies, 90s teen angst, neon 80s stuff, melodrama, terrible romcoms, LA Rebellion films, cinema from oppressed nations, anti-imperialist films, pro-worker films, films by women, 60s musicals, Spice World, weepies, feelgood women's films, mysteries, and things that look pretty.

I am an organizer with the New Orleans Workers Group. Though the opinions I express here in this blog are a reflection of the political education I receive from that group, my writing has not been reviewed by my comrades and should not be taken to necessarily reflect the views of the group. Instead, understand that this blog is my hobby. I don't hide my politics, and I review and analyze film from the political perspective I share with the Workers Group as best I can, but it is not officially endorsed by the group.

I use content warnings on some of my reviews now, but my older reviews do not have them. Use your discretion.

If we're mutuals or if you're also trans, find me on social media if you want.

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Stop giving these "people" the attention they crave so much

Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

Wasn't this supposed to be good and Natasha average?

Is it more /film/ to have a beard or not?

Some retard obsessed with letterboxd nobodies.

Griffithfag is back on Letterboxd under the name Tom Stone. letterboxd.com/tomstone/

Anyone know films released by students of Bela Tarr? I've seen the films of Lazslo Nemes and Hu Bo and imo a very interesting artistic movement is happening here

Both are just second-rate Von Trier.

Just saw anti-christ. The subject matter was good, I liked a lot of the direction but the writing was the let-down. Overall it was interesting but pretty prentious imo, Lars is pretty tryahrd aye?

I hate artistic movements, it always one means one talented guy, a couple of losers, and one other talented person who has nothing in common with the other three but is from the same country.

>those reviews
Unironic Overman. Beholden to no value system that came before him.

He's the Wesley Willis or Chris-chan of online film reviewing.

>Hu Bo
Oof, An Elephant Sitting Still sounds insufferable. I mean, woof!

>Spice World
Witty and with good taste! Post her letterboxd so I can follow her.

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I cant find Anne of Green Gables (1985) with the right aspect ratio, whhy does this cropped "widescreen" shit exist

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I hate that, especially when it cuts off muff, like in Monster's Ball or I assume Anne of Green Gables (1985).

You can change the aspect ratio in VLC so you can watch Anne of Green Gables (1985) as it was originally intended