Which male Star Wars character are you?

Which male Star Wars character are you?

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Han. Everything else is gay.

Anakin because I fuck.

Luke because I’m nineteen and my mom still buys me underwear on Christmas.


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Han in summer
Obi in winter

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>4 main white male characters
what- what is this

What does Kylo wear? White panties?

George Lucas actually said that there is no underwear in space.


>Commander Cody

Diapers for his gaping wound

is there an underwear equivalent of cold showers or eating onions? if so its probably that


Anakin is maximum comfort.


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This debate has been already settled, everybody agreed that other than Hans is basically gay

Luke is for 8 year olds
Han is for 13 year olds
Obi-wan is for homos
Anakin is completely and utterly based

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Anakin but black dim ones

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what is the type of underwear Obi wears called?

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Han for around the house
Anakin for actual underwear use

Compression shorts or spats if you're a weeb.

my stock is half Han, half Obi


who obi-wan here?

in europe you'll generally only find anakin. people who wear non-anakin are considered weirdos here.


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Obi Wan

I'm surprised, in the US its generally Han and occasionally Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan or Anakin is the only sensible choice for any self respecting male. The Hans of the world probably dress like shit if they're wearing shorts as underwear. Luke is an odd choice, but not totally offensive if you got something other than white.

>anakin only has one pair
>with sand in them

Obi Wan "Allergic to THOTS" Kenobi

Fitted Boxer Briefs

>i hate sand