Would it be kino?
Would it be kino?
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>Gotham is a flat circle, Alfred
pizza has proven himself a hack more than once now. caspere knew this
Fuck off pizzaman you fucking one hit wonder cock sucking motherfucker. Shit in second thought capeshit might be more up your alley you fraudulent cunterino.
Yeah I'm thinking it's kino
300 and Sucker Punch were hits which is why Snyder got "a shot" at Batman and Superman. I wouldn't put too much stock in anyone who's had unrelated hits taking "a shot at Batman".
Ermm... based department?
I'm convinced it was Gookunaga carrying the first season like Atlas.
What the hell broskis? i thought all of hollywood were leftist communists?
At this point it's more than clear when you compare both their carreers after they went their separate paths.
Based triple name chinaman.
Pizzaman is /ourguy/
Pizzolatto is based.
True Detective Season 1 & 2 are works of art.
How come batman is the default "i'm not a manchild... BUT!" character in all of media?
Of course it was. Without Fukunaga you end up with weird shit that makes no sense, like the non-sequitur Vince Vaughn diatribes.
Sucker Punch was absolutely not a hit, it was an actual bomb. Snyder got the job to do MoS and its follow-ups on the strength of Watchmen and because he was the Nolans' favorite choice.
They did something like this in white knight
Shame he's a shit writer though
Yeah but too late now, with the Robert Pattinson one being made they probably wont risk "rebooting" the Batman movies for at least another 5 years.
Here's "his" take if you guys are curious, pizzaman keeps strong with his strategy of ripping off comics and playing retarded pretending it's an original though.
He basicaly wants to do what Grant Morrison did but out of hella epic disdain instead of motivated endearement. Fucking hack-
the writing was the weakest part of S1
yeah, its pretty much grant morrison batman
which would be cool to see on screen, but it takes a grant morrison to make it worthwhile.
Then bring in Fukunaga to direct and Nick to write. Or better yet drop Nick and actually adopt the source material faithfully instead of the horseshit we've been getting.
Fukungawa has made garbage since TD S1.
The new Bond looks like complete trash.
wouldn't be the first time he ripped Morrison off. all the time and dimension shit on TDs1 were Morisson "inspired." dude hasn't had an original thought since before writing Galveston.
beasts of no nation was good
Grant Morrison sucks.
Wow, parts of that are literally almost word-for-word from interviews Morrison gave. Does Grant ever get tired of being ripped off?
He was allowed to make True Detective despite his affiliation with non-communists? How is this even possible in communist Hollywood?
every single thing Fukunaga has done is a zillion times better than Pizzolatto's output since they collaborated. every. single. thing. the only half decent episode of TDs3 was the one written by David fucking Milch, and David fucking Milch had Alzheimer's while he wrote it.
Imagine a batman movie where batman is fighting child soldiers in gotham.
Sam Mendes is a certified kinographer and his Bond movies were trash too. The last good Bond movie was by the guy who directed Green Lantern. There's really no metric to rate a director by their Bond movies
I wish Nic Pizzolatto wouldn't waste his talents on a capeshit reboot goddamn. gives me an headache
Nic Pizzolatto is relentlessly handsome.
True Detective Season 2 minus episode 4 and gay cop being a relatively useless character is pretty great though.
Skyfall is alright up until the home alone hijinx, Spectre is straight trash though.