Work ethic and dedication bad

>work ethic and dedication bad
fucking hollywood man

Attached: Nightcrawler.jpg (323x498, 83.84K)

>Yas Forums brainlet incel interprets a movie
The state of this board

I love how that's what you interpreted from that movie. Brainlet.

>killing people through your actions and then filming is bad
really subtle

>liberal retards can't realize how they're being manipulated
wouldn't expect otherwise. go donate to the patreon of whatever film essayist interprets this "correctly"

what's your problem cracker

guy was pretty based.
the movie tried to make it seem like capitalism and getting ahead are bad, but the weak, people that pulled half measures, got cut while he came out ahead

Brainlet take: The mainstream media thrives off violence, sex and will manufacture it no matter what
Midwit take: Capitalism is the force that drives people into essentially sociopathy for a career
High IQ take: Lou was entirely justified and was being a good American capitalist and newsman

Capitalism today pretty much rewards the exact opposite of the people who deserve to be wealthy, which the movie seemed to be commentating on. There are few better indications that a person is stupid and morally detestable than that they make a lot of money.

Higher iq take: The strongest and most evil spirits have to date advanced mankind the most: they always rekindled the sleeping passions - all orderly arranged society lulls the passions to sleep; they always reawakened the sense of comparison, of contradiction, of delight in the new, the adventurous, the untried; they compelled men to set opinion against opinion, ideal plan against ideal plan.

I’ve never understood the idea that work ethic is a good thing. People with work ethic generally have unsavory motivations, like acquiring wealth or power. All decent intelligent people have poor work ethic because there’s no point in being alive unless you spend the smallest possible amount of time doing things you dislike. People who “enjoy” work are always questionable slimy parasites

He Used and murdered his co worker just so he could fuck that old cunt newscaster.

T. Lazy communist parasite who by all rights should be enslaved by his betters.

Yas Forums is a Yas Forums sub-board.
Fuck off.

yes and?

His coworker was some sort of low iq homeless coward who have been dead in a few weeks at most. He gave that guy the time of his life and he betrayed him. Lou did nothing wrong.

100% of parasites are wealthy. And most, though not all, wealthy people are undeserving parasites.

Sacrificing Rajindahar who was probably overstaying his greencard for some poon is high test

>Yas Forums is a /po/ sub-board.


>chapo redditor is going through his radical phase
you have no idea how embarrassed you're going to be of your current self four years from now

>Yas Forums is a /p/ sub-board
fixed again

Imagine believing this

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Not true at all if you ever spent any time the real you know many poor people are leeches who chose to remain poor to leech off their betters. I don’t whos worse honestly the rich vermin or the poor vermin.

Jesus you’re dumb. You can see the hilarious gaping flaws in capitalism without being a commie.

For example good looking people are basically automatically wealthy in our society, even though all good looking people are completely valueless parasites. They’re rewarded for existing. A faux-capitalism where undeserving people who make money through selfish or parasitic means are prosecuted would be ideal.

Lou is a fucking psychopath you guys are nuts.

If your life is bad you can’t be a parasite. The definition of a parasite is some with a good life who deserves a bad life. Huge swathes of wealthy people fit this description.

>t. poorfag
Oh yuck, a poorfag.

That's because work ethic is a means to an end, so in order to value it you need a purpose in life. You probably have no purpose, just a desire to be a teenager forever, no ethic required for that.

>sociopathically manipulating others, thievery, acting like a hoodlum, raging the fuck out and breaking things etc. good
you ok there bud?

Deriving purpose from work is unfathomably pathetic.

god you are cringy

I suspect at least 50% of this board is evil people who should be given the death penalty. Yas Forumstards would naturally think they should be rewarded for being evil leeches.

and no, you are.

What’s cringey is defending the fact that people like Justin Bieber are wealthy instead of begging in a ditch. How much of a useful idiot are you? Creature.

Definition of parasite let’s look at the actual definition of the word parasite

Definition of parasite
1 : a person who exploits the hospitality of the rich and earns welcome by flattery
sought to rid the palace of the parasites of his prosperity
2 : an organism living in, with, or on another organism in parasitism
an intestinal parasite of humans
a parasite that causes malaria
3 : something that resembles a biological parasite in dependence on something else for existence or support without making a useful or adequate return
That city has become a parasite on the country.

As you can see you’re totally wrong on a basic level.

But that's literally the opposite of what happens

The term psychopath used in this manner is a pathetic smear by the soft and lazy of the successful and productive.

American work ethic is slavery.

Justin Biebers are rich because we have a market for that type of content, they weren't arbitrarily picked to be wealthy. If you have a problem with them having money maybe you should take that to the people who create the demand.

The term parasite as it relates to human society is a matter of opinion. And since my IQ is literally twice yours, my opinion matters more than yours does. It’s hilarious to call anyone with a bad life a parasite because they aren’t gaining anything. You can only be a parasite if you have a good life.

Nobody is defending Justin biber a moron who has money because the Jewish music producer who make people like him profit from his antics and are untouchable because idiots like yourself.

he murdered someone op

Justin Bieber is rich because huge swathes of people, including Justin a Bieber, should be stripped of basic freedoms. Any inclination to contribute to the wealth of people like Justin Bieber should be met with harsh penalties. Stupid people are a cancer.

Ah so you’re a retard then. How’s that working out for you?

who hasn't

oh... wait... you haven't? no wonder you're a virgin. have sex sweetie

Don't fall for the bait

He never touched anyone. No jury would convict him.

I really really hope you're not trolling because I like the idea of such a heavily fedora person existing in 2020 and discrediting the worldview I oppose

IMO all parasites are handsome men, because they’re the only people who constantly receive way more than they deserve in life. Beautiful women too but not nearly as bad.

Any good looking man you can be certain earned less than 1% of anything they have.

pretty much this

itt high school

Anyone who achieves personal gain at the expense of other people is a parasite OP. Work ethic is only respectable if it’s toward a decent goal.

I would go so far as to say all bad people have work ethic

>b-but Justin Bieber doesn't DESERVE to be rich!!!!
Who does deserve to be rich then? You? Then why don't you get off your ass and do what Justin Bieber did?
First generation wealth is often a crapshoot. In any "fame" industry, there's about a .01 chance that you'll be discovered and become successful. But you seem to think that society as a collective chooses who is wealthy and who is not, when in fact the opposite is generally true; we have no control over that, and to impose control over that is to create a society far worse than the one we have now.
tl;dr get a job you fat fuck

What was wrong? Are you saying it’s untrue that the reason people like Justin Bieber are wealthy (or streamers, models, etc.) for any reason other than stupid exist? If everyone in the world had what is currently considered slightly above average intelligence, that gamer girl bathwater chick would be starving to death, not swimming in money. Stupid people are the reason capitalism doesn’t work.

One thing that really made me laugh was when the one woman goes "People don't care about poor black people dying. Get footage of upper middle class whites getting killed."

This movie came out literally during the height of Black Lives Matter.

Intelligent sociopaths rise to the top of capitalistic enterprises by taking advantage of human decency. That's the whole film. It is a success story

You're being ridiculous and are probably underage. Being a compassionless murderer who cares about nothing but wealth for the sake of wealth is not admirable nor is it a functional ideal.

Considering I’m superior to him in every single possible way, yes I would say that. All people who don’t deserve wealth as decided by a committee of geniuses should have everything taken from them and distributed among less lucky superior people.

Stupid people are should have been bred out of existence by now but the Jews and Rich who run this system realized they need stupid people to stay in power. The intelligent are harder to manipulate.

ya'll niggas need Marx

But everything worked out great for him in the end.

Who's on this theoretical committee? Wait, don't tell me, let me guess: is it you?

Drink your milk and go to bed Elliot