Apocalypse Now Final Cut

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I liked the part where the helicopters were shooting rockets

If it’s your first time watching it please watch the theatrical cut. It is far better.

It is a shorter version of 2002 version.

I was expecting Brando to be a fat tub but his monologue was excellent.

Good movie.

Don't go off the boat

The only one is Redux

Kurtz got off the boat. He split from the whole fucking program

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based and checked

It’s my favorite film of all time. Please, don’t watch this version. The added scenes where you see the protagonist, Willard, laughing and being humanized detract from the theme of film. The surfboard joke is a dead horse. And it kept the French plantation scene from the Redux, which cuts the film in half and absolutely kills the pacing.

user knows what’s up

i agree. i love the plantation scenes

A very long movie, please pay attention and think critically about the grand metaphors. Please do not let the playboy layover turn you off. Please do not think the French Plantation scene is pointless.

I hope you enjoy it.

>keep plantation scene
>remove the playgirl boobies scene


Boring as all fuck movie with no plot characters or meaning. Just 3 hours of a fucking boat floating down the river with random scenes inbetween. I don't care how HURRR FILTERED I was this film is absolute trash.

I promise I won't bully your choices, I'm genuinely curious, what are some of your favourite films?

I can imagine people not liking this film but to call it boring is mind boggling.

Infinity War
Dawn of Justice

I was originally going to make a stick with capeshit post to that user but decided against it just in case he wasn't trolling

I refuse to believe you are the user I asked

A great piece of art work!!!

Are there any modern films that come close to Apocalypse Now?
The fuckers making this legit went insane in the jungle, do we have any film makers at all even attempting this sort of shit or are we destined to only have green screen shit.

The only thing I can even think of coming close is maybe the revenant

The theatrical cut is still the best. Also, they changed the color grading a bit in final cut. Not sure if it's for the better, looks a bit brighter than it should.

Wasn’t like Brando reading off from script or anything that he was so into a role caused him mumbling something which Coppola just had to go along with it, was it !?

not modern but Sorcerer is pretty close in terms of scale and ambition

i loathe coppola. final cut sucks. also the color grading is all messed up

I've been meaning to watch Sorcerer for such a long time despite knowing next to nothing about it apart from Friedkin.

I'm going to watch it tomorrow.

three kings
the hurt locker
the passion of the christ

>zoomer retard

>three kings
>the hurt locker
It is close. A mile close.
>the passion of the christ
Based but to short.

Mmmm ... theatrical cut is the tuned up version that foreseeing the industrial productivity going into bandwagoning. On the other hand, the other cuts are truly projecting Coppola’s vision. Sooo I say this arguing among film-heads over the issue created by its originator, is the one form of achievement that Coppola accomplished as the artist.

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but it's modern Coppola's vision, and he's been shit for decades

The reason they all went insane was because this Coppola was actively making the greatest film of all time, no mean feat. Most of the actors/crew were expecting an easy ride like most films. It won't have an heir for a looooonng time because higher-ups will just replace the effort with CGI tech.
The next 'Hearts Of Darkness' would be any modern epic that's difficult to make even with CGI and desires to be authentic. James Cameron followed in Coppola's M.O. footsteps a lot I think in this sense, pushing film forward.