UNIT edition
UNIT edition
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Why yes, Zagerus is my favorite Doctor Who story. How could you tell?
Women and /who/mosexuals of /who/, quick.
Shag, snog and kill - The Brig, Sgt. Benton and Mike Yates.
I didn't knew k-9 was such a freak on the sheets
Jenna Coleman and Freema Agyeman are relentlessly beautiful.
based ZAGchad saving this general.
If I'm here by the time it hits the bump limit, I'll dedicate the next thread to you
Would this have been a better end to Clara's character arc?
If I was Mark Warren, yes.
Elton should come back as a companion
That's some /d/ tier shit.
If 12 loved Clara so much he could imagine her in his mind, I don't think anything could stop him from imagining your image if he'd felt horny and lonely.
As a villain to get revenge on the Doctor when his immortal blowjob slab wants to die but cannot.
What did you do today, guys?
Describe your day and other anons will guess your appearance.
I'll start: Today I dug out the patio, lifted the stones, mowed the lawn, basked in the sun for a few hours on a deck chair sat in a paddling pool with a few cans of cider to see in the sunset.
>old-age 70/80-year old Elton
>on his deathbed
>wants his stoneslab wife to die with him
Would it be kino?
Would 13 grant him that wish?
She would make her brain dead and put her in some concrete walkway on another planet
This apparently got leaked I'm really feeling it
I want Clara living blowjob machine
Hello, /who/! Who takes the Showrunner spot, takes the series. But bad news, everyone, because guess who? Ha!
Listen, you lot, you're all complaining a lot. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay quiet a minute because l! Am! Talking!
The question of the hour is, who's got the show? Answer, I do. Next question. Who's coming to take it from me? Come on! Look at me. No plan, no good episodes, no storylines worth a damn. Oh, and something else. I dont have any respect for the canon! So, if you're sitting there on your silly little computer, with all your silly little criticisms, and you've got any plans on taking the show tonight, just remember who's standing in your way. Remember every black day I ever released an episode, and then, AND THEN! Do the smart thing...Try apologising to Moffat first.
I've watched a majority of 3s era and I still forget which one is Benton and which one is Yates.
The "Amy is sick/busy so it's only 11 and Rory for some adventures" concept is too good to pass up. Hopefully the BF does this when they get to it
>Alex Kingston
at this point she'll replace briggs
You look like pic related.
I watched a lot of Quantum Leap, helped to get a relative's car to start working and did some work on my laptop.
Reminder that McCoy did this speech a lot better than 11th
Could Rory realistically become Jamie for the 11th? In theory it could work, but 11th is simply much closer to Amy and Rory isn't that charismatic
He's more of a chesterfield.
To think they're gone because of Brexit.
Fuck you, Chibnall.
Is it weird that I like Rory much more then Amy? I find her such an incompetent retard most of the time
Wait what? Did chibnal really decommissioned UNIT? Is there a list of every huge fuck up Chib has done as showrunner?
I agree.Amy is fit but that's about it. Rory is a much better character.
i'm in the same boat, in series 5 i thought rory was a nice guy but a cuck, by series 7 i thought he was out of amy's league as a person
No, i like him too. Amy was a cheating bitch who only got sensible later on. I just didn't buy him being cool, what they really wanted us to think. He is a lot more believable when he is chill
UNIT was decommissioned to make a Brexit joke. I know it's nothing permanent but it still makes me seethe.
Is Danny Horn the guy that was on Christmas Carol as teenage Kazran? I remember him appearing on the 11th doctor Chronicles with Jacob Dudman, it was cool it kinda felt like Jamie and Second.
Rory deserves better.
I would argue Rory is still a cuck in the end. But an alpha cuck
It's funny how big finish photoshops are so shit anyway that it's hard to tell if they're fake
It's even better when you realise she doesn't actually need to breathe...
The photoshops are actually pretty good it's just the competition and layout are incredibly generic
It's a 'Chibnall conflates NATO and the EU to impress his champagne socialist friends' episode.
He does actually have the balls to walk out on her according to the 'Pond Life' minisodes.
I think her awful personality traits got dented following that.
Chibnall dies of the 'rona or steps down as show runner for some other reason, Jodi leaves with him because she doesn't give a fuck. Which would you rather happen; Jamie Mathieson as showrunner and Jo Martin as the next doctor or a white male doctor but Ed Himes as showrunner?
Just put it out of its misery.
that's not an option, we're milking this for all its worth
I'm not even gay but if you wouldn't endure 20 minutes of pounding from the brig after he asked after two bottles of scotch and a massive overdose of his prescription valium if that's what he asked, are you really a who fan?