Why is this the best Western ever made

Why is this the best Western ever made

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because it isn't

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was about to post this. very based and fpbp

High Plains Drifter is my favourite Clint kino.

because it isn't

Attached: Il grande silenzio (1968).mkv_20200309_134929.202.jpg (1920x1040, 413.96K)

kek, maybe if you've never seen any other westerns

t. uneducated xoomer

Based and italiankinopilled

i rate high noon a notch higher but it's up there

a very based choice pardner, i respect your opinion

Pretty good bread.

It's a good movie, but it isn't the best.
Arguably anyone can pick a Clint movie and say it's their favorite.
They are all similar enough in story while being different enough to start a pissing match.

I'm really fond of Pale Rider.

hey thanks amigo, gonna download and watch this right now

>blocks your path

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definitely the best Western Clint ever made, but overall?

watch more movies fren

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Maverick? Fuck yeah.

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It's not the best, but this should have been the end of the entire genre. With Unforgiven there is pretty much everything told what was worth telling. It was essentially the last movie of it's genre and everything else is just an epilogue.

Assassination of Jesse James wouldn't have happened though. So I'm not okay with this.


Why do Westerns have the highest rate of kino among all film genres? What is it about them that makes them so prone to kino?

for me it's a Josey Wales

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>highest rate
They don't. For every great Western there's a dozen pieces of shit you've never heard of. They just made so fucking many.

The fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of shitty westerns out there.

I'd argue that's still a higher rate than for any other genre.

just because you've never heard of the shitty ones, doesn't mean they don't exist

A vast, vast majority of them are about the end of an era, death of the wild west and the types of people who were mold by it. It's kino by virtue of a concept already, it's written already for you, just don't fuck it up

Attached: The Wild Bunch (1969).mkv_20200315_185654.087.jpg (1916x790, 316.81K)

SEARCHERS ! How the West was Won , Magnificent 7 , Gud bad and fugly , The Alamos

That's not what I'm implying. I'm saying that a ration of 1 kino every 13 films is a far, FAR better ratio than any other genre has.

Westerns have been around as long as film has.


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a fucking amazing movie, i love it
it was fun to see how it influenced RDR down the line too

because the intersection of plot, story, themes, director, production, acting, casting etc. etc. makes it a superior film?

Is that what you want me to say?

Where the fuck did you come up with that ratio? According to letterboxd, there are 5538 westerns. So you're saying that ~496 are absolute kino. I doubt you've even seen more than 100 westerns

The person I was replying to, who said "for every great western, there are a dozen shit ones". Please try to keep up with conversations before jumping in.

Ok, so that's where the ratio came from, but I still don't believe that is any better than any other genre. Do you really believe that there are 500 westerns that are absolute kino?

It's a great movie but there's a lot of KINO westerns. I'm personally stoked on the neo-westerns right now with how kino No Country for Old Men and Sicario are.