Who will play him for the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him for the inevitable biopic?

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fat michael cera

jonah hill mickey rooney's style


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adam driver

Yas Forums ============>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

he can play himself since he's still alive

Randall Park, he already did

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Idris Elba

Bobby Lee

Directed by Jordan Peele

When will North Korea realize they fucked up and do a 180 like China did after Mao died? What is the North Korean version of Deng Xiaoping?

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Christian Bale, of course.

manjawed pale north korean dictator's sister gf, por favor...

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Jackie Chan

Kevin James

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Who will inherit the North Korean throne if he dies? Does he have any kids?

his sister will, allegedly

>"The U.S. has a very robust and wide ranging intelligence effort to monitor Kim's situation and those of his inner circle at all times. As I understand it, there are no significant aberrations in this pattern of life analysis."
nothingburger once agian

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A lot of people seem to think his sister will take charge, but some general stepping up and seizing power seems more likely

>sword fight
That's stupid but frotting is pretty fucking hot.

Randall Park again

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i hope he gets to play him again.

>God delivered poetic justice on this chain smoking morbidly obese sack of shit while his people starved and toiled for nothing
Get rekt tankies. Korea soon.

sam hyde will

>dictator of poorest country on earth
>dies from obesity at 30
Jesus fuck

north korea isnt the poorest country on earth

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Are those balloons on the left?

Shane in yellowface

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