Yas Forums posters you recognise
>that poster who is the only person in the world to like Mars needs moms
Yas Forums posters you recognise
>that poster who is the only person in the world to like Mars needs moms
>that poster who only replies in "based" or "cringe"
I am that poster
>that guy who posts cunny
>that user who shills his erotic Hey Arnold fanfics in porn threads
The narutofag who hijacks any thread about cartoons and seethes nonstop
Relentless poster is relentlessly based
>that guy who seethes at any mention of christianity
>that guy who likes Westworld and tries to defend it from people saying it's shit but usually gives up
>that user who pretends to be a british doctor living in the US and always post a wojak in a trump had
>that guy who's been posting the same five images to btfo Yas Forums epic style for four years now
>that narutofag who tries to derail every ATLA thread
>"x is renlentlessly handsome" guy
>that guy who posts Schindler's List threads with "reminder this actually happened"
>that guy who obsessively responds to every Schindler's List thread the other guy makes with inforgraphs about the holocaust he got from imgur
>that guy who points out whenever an image has a imgur filename
>that guy who calls anime "cuckime"
>that guy who uses any eceleb thread left up as an excuse to post Lauren Southern threads
>that guy who thinks GoT was the best show ever and is desperately hoping for any show to replicate it
>all those teenagers who post soijak, gigachad, twitter threads and only replies with "based"
>And what of Good Solonius?
That guy's legit out of his mind.
I only recognise posters that make me question whether or not i have schizophrenia
>And what of Bad Solonius?
What happened after that user messaged his rock band?
That one Australian who makes Corona threads and brags about low amount of cases in his shithole chinese colony, without realizing that it is because corona is not transmissible to animals.
>that guy who tries to spread yellow fever
>Walter White poster, alledgedly the most based person on this board
>Person who keeps posting .webms from that ladybug show
You mean overwhelm it with quality content.
Board culture.
That Yas Forums schizo who becomes absolutely enraged when someone calls out a Yas Forumsfag for being an election tourist
>/trek/ poster who has been butthurt about DS9 for the past 10 years
I recognise this user
Is the guy that spams pink wojack while mashing his keyboard and claiming he's not a schizo one person, or a bot?
For that matter, is the poster that spams non sequiturs in simpsons threads after someone posts sneed a real person, or a bot?
Those 2 anons that fell for 50s cigarette commercials and relentlessly suck each other off whenever fags are mentioned about how based and manly they are for smoking.
user who keeps calling BR2049 dishonest
You called?
even if a schizophrenic poster is actually a bot, a schizophrenic person was schizo enough to make that bot. so in the end does it really matter if it's a bot or not?
That guy that post "Cast her" threads.
>victim complex ds9 fan
Oh hey I recognize you
>that guy who posts about himself in "posters you recognise" threads to spread his anonymous e-clout.
to the founder of the FGTOW movement (Fans Going Their Own Way) in response to feminism in movies. Cheers!
i want to brutally murder every single fucking gimmick poster and people who encourage them
fucking kys
that gignersnaps autist
That one really opinionated buff guy who always attaches B&W photos of himself to his posts
A toast to the schizo soijack poster who just replies to himself about his trip to the psychologists
That autistic guy who lists way too much shit and no one else can be bothered to read his posts
Is that Awkqwafina?
>overwhelm it with quality content
Barneyanon and his omnipresence for anything cartoon related
the based pusy poster
>that guy
he knows who he is, and he's probably reading this post
fuck you
source? i wanna see the seething chinkcel comments of this vid
I like the guy who starts the Flash threads and says to post snacks
>>that narutofag who tries to derail every ATLA thread
Holy shit, this is happening right now.