Daily reminder that Lalo Salamanca did nothing wrong

Daily reminder that Lalo Salamanca did nothing wrong

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>next season is called Better Call Lalo
>lalo kills mike, gus and jimmy
>a new timeline is created
>next series is called Breaking Lalo

>killing American citizens so that he can look at security footage for to scratch his asspain itch of fucking over his gringo partners

Wtf I love murderous cartel spics now because they smile slot and are attractive!

Now this right here.... this is based

Lalo isn't even half as threatening as Walt.


Walt is threatening because deep down, he is fucking stupid

Who /paca paca paca en mi caballo/ here?

post the yt



I know Gus is gonna win, but I find peace in the fact Walt avenges Lalo.

he killed a guy that literally did nothing wrong

Thank you user :)

it was self-defense

fred was a racist. he let Mike look at the computer, but not Lalo because he was Mexican

Attached: mike_computer.webm (1920x1080, 207.57K)

Who killed more people, Mike or Lalo?

fuck fred

>better upvote saul

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fred betrayed lalo. he got what he deserved

Dumb wojack poster

Wondering if I'm the only person who's having a hard time reconciling the current Saul with the Saul we first see in BB, and I'm not just talking about the physical dissimilarities. BB Saul seems way too flippant, jokey, and carefree considering all the emotional/psychological scars that the latest season would surely have inflicted. Then you add to that his lewd sexual harassment of "Sugar Tits" Francesca which shows a side of Saul we never really see in BCS. Even assuming things with Kim are over by BB, it seems out of character.

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6 years is enough time to hide your scars with his persona.

i don't know how they're going to advance 6 years in 13 episodes. i guess a huge time skip? seems strange

dude, those "did nothing wrong" threads are just meme threads, when a redditor comes here and can't form a coherent sentence.

that guy who "did literally nothing wrong" was stalling Lalos investigation that could have stopped a massive meth lab from being made. You could even say he was an accomplice in everything that happened in Breaking Bad.

Mike. Lalo only kills anti-mexicans after all.

Attached: Lalo-with-fish.jpg (1098x691, 80.48K)

I think so too.
God, I love both of them

because prequel shows are always retarded as fuck and serve no purpose other than fan-service.
watch Jesse and Walter showing up next season for no other reason than to send reddit into as shock state.

i thought the wait for season 5b was bad. it will be 2 years before we get any more saul. and they will probably split it in a and b again.

they will split it into a,b and c and blame it on covid19