Literally Perfection

Literally Perfection

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I guessed it was Ranson and Fran simply cause they got such little screen time in act 1 compared to the other characters.

What was the point of making the song an alt right troll if his character does absolutely nothing to suggest that he is? Take away that line from his sister and he would just be typical rich white kid.

making the son*

rian johnson cannot stop seething over twitter trolls.

hehe..You guys are not as young as that kid ae you right? I’m not taking to literal children am I? Haha

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You need to be brain dead to not realize it's Evans as soon as they show him leave party before everyone else. There is literally no reason to point that out, unless it's ultimately the only relevant thing out of the entire bucket of red herrings that movie throws at you. Absolute pussy of a movie couldn't even make nurse to responsible for his death "she felt weight of the bottles" is absolute, contrived bullshit. Our absolutely perfect little protagonist can't even lie guys.

Also, I'm looking at Craig here and I'm thinking that "No Time To Die" is fucked. This is "A View to A Kill" level of elderly Bond.

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that one liner was hilarious though

I liked the movie but it does look like a neolib wet dream : an old dysfonctional and useless wasp family being replaced in its home by the kind hearted hispanic immigrant who deserve it more because they are hard working

This movie was fucking terrible

it was a fun little flick

>"she felt the weight of the bottles" is absolute, contrived bullshit
Not really, once you've done something as regularly as that, you can totally go by weight subconsciously

Ana honestly deserved it all for being an absolute cutie and you know it

I’ve never liked Daniel Craig in anything

almost. First 20 minutes are a little off, something's weird with them but after that it's literally perfect. It's surreal this is the same guy who made last jedi.


are you a commmunist telling a guy what he should do with his own money?

based. FUCK white people.

Yeah really. I'm making hexane and acetonitrile for five years now, there is 200g difference in weight between bottles of 1 litre of these liquids. You can't feel it all unless it's a bulk. This is contrived bullshit. The fact that she even convinced herself that she somehow made a wrong injection shows that she is shitty nurse.
It was a retarded way for a movie to literally absolve her of any wrong doing at all.

only race autist would consider Ana non-white

>are you a communist?
kind of, I would outlaw inheritance and redistribute all inheritance equally between all citizen when they reach 27 yo

>Let's remake the Clue movie but this time let's go for the blue check mark audience
Anyone who likes this movie is an idiot being scammed out of Clue kino, prove me wrong

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Cubans aren't white.

ok, can't argue with that. I was just bluffing, thinking you're a Yas Forumsack

the SJW chick is a villain as well, she throws the illegal mother of Ana de Armas when she realizes she won't be able to finance her studies

>whitey bad
>mass immigration good

It was the most unsubtle propaganda I’ve ever seen. I don’t know what I expected, considering it’s a Rian Johnson flick. What amazes me, is even though we have a reality show host as are president due to libtards ridiculous antics, they become even more bizarre and aggressive with their insanity.

So yeah just Clue for twitter people. Fucks sake

The point was that he views the alt-right as just a bunch of spoiled kids that do nothing but stare at their cell phones all day. He’s a strawmanning libtard, what do you expect?

she looks white therefore she's white anyway she's from the Cuban elite pretty much 100% spaniard

i know that nothing can convince you that was not the point of the movie so i won't even try

That's kind hilarious coming from Rian Johnson , Twitter boy extraordinare

Fuck off Rian you midget faggot.

it was about 30 minutes longer than it should have been

don't tell that to YMS

Die commie fags.

t.pol was here

Nope, shes latina.

Terrible fucking movie. I don't know why but when I see Craig as anything other than Bond I hate him.

This film makes fun of both political sides. Only abject brainlets focus on that element anyway, it's like 1% of the film.

They portray it as if family forced her. She definitively the only member of the family who isn't purely evil. She's down right disgusted by what they are doing.

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What was the point? Why even include the themes if that wasn’t the intention? People like you are delusional, and that’s the reality of “why you won’t even try”. The final shot is the maid looking down from above on this selfish white family.

The family was obviously meant to comprehensively represent everything that's wrong with America today so I guess he just wanted to have someone like that in there.

Hmmm i wonder why the SJW chick is the only family member with a conscious. Rian Johnson is so nuanced.

this the typical libshit 'leftists' are equally has bad as the 'conservatives'

Dude check out this subtle shit. I'm so fucking smart.

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Don Johnson they had to add that he was having an affair but what did Shanon's character do that was really that bad?

Why even mention that her mother was an illegal immigrant? God you fucking people need to be beat to death.

>The final shot is the maid looking down from above on this selfish white family.


He came to her house and literally threatened to call ICE on her mom.

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You're retarded so I need to be beaten to death? Didn't you watch the same film? They portray all the overt leftists as complete brainlets. I guess you can't recognise your own

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Out of the three people i watched it with i was the only one to notice any of it. Its Like peoples brains are completely turned off while they’re being beaten over the head with someones world view. The funniest thing is Rian Johnson thinking illegal immigrants are going to fuck rich white people.

Attached: Ana de Armas Knives Out [32.12-32.31].webm (1500x1040, 3M)

Attached: Ana de Armas Knives Out [1.34.28-1.34.37].webm (1920x1040, 3M)

I mean, that's pretty typical xenophilia for neo liberal types like Rian Johnson. Dude this movie was made for bougie white people who spend too much time on the internet. Specifically Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit.

Attached: Ana de Armas Knives Out [1.59.59-2.00.07].webm (1920x1040, 3M)

I’m kind of okay with it only because the “masturbatin’ nazi boy” line is the only thing in the movie that made me laugh