Harry Potter

Favorite HP movie? Favorite Hermoine?

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Imagine having 7 Emmas, one from each HP movie, butt naked on all fours, winking their tight anuses at you. What would you even do bros?

Use Magnify+Penetrate

3 and after are best. If you like her before that, you're dumb and just want t seem like a pedo

spend 5 minutes eating out each of the first four, tell the others to fuck off.

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Can I somehow cancel your internet

no, that's rude! I can't help it if you have bad taste.

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>5 minutes

Prisoner of Azkaban - Goblet of Fire

>Favorite HP movie?
Prisoner of Azkaban. It's the best book as well.
>Favorite Hermoine?
Witch trainer silver

"Good girl." She watched as Future Hermione slowly pushed the brush out of her asshole. Hermione laid down, positioning herself between her legs, and just as the handle was about to fall out she shoved it back in and pressed her mouth to her soft pussy, feeling her coarse bush against her lips as Future Hermione came, filling her waiting mouth with her steamy liquid. Hermione held this in her mouth, savoring the salty sour taste as she knelt behind the ass that was sticking up in the air. She pulled the makeshift dildo out of her ass, but before the gaping whole could close, she pressed her lips against it and spat all of the cum into her ass. Future Hermione moaned and arched her back, sticking her ass vertically in the air so not a drop would be spilled and working to keep her asshole gaping wide open. Hermione found herself finger fucking her own cunt, incredibly turned on by the pond of girl juice created by her own slutty asshole. She leaned down, fucking herself as she did so and began to slowly lap up the girl cum from her own sweaty asshole. Ensuring that none of it went to waste, she licked all around the ass hole, then delved deep inside, scooping the cum out with her tongue, and when it seemed as if it was all gone, she pulled her ass on top of her face where she proceeded to suck on her own brown hole, swallowing the last drops mixed with the taste of her own ass. Catching on, and feeling wonderfully dirty as she did so, Future Hermione concentrated on shitting out the last bit of cum from her asshole. Balanced on her toes and squatting over Hermione's face as if she were taking a leak in the forest, she pushed so hard that she accidentally pissed a little on Hermione's chest.

Chamber of Secrets was peak Emma

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agreed, post the real pic though.

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For me its Goblet of Fire Hermoine

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Is it so hard to spell Hermione correctly?
Every time I see a wrong spelling, I think what kind of mental incapacitation denies a human being from memorizing the correct letter order of a 8-letter word. Seriously, it's pathetic. Get your brain checked or something.

the 'i' and the 'o' are right next to each other, both in the word and on the keyboard. it isn't surprising they get switched around a lot.

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roll for anus

It should be expected of a respectable poster to check his post for spelling mistakes after typing it all. Such excuses are unacceptable.

I can't help but wonder... which of these is a virgin and when does she become a slut?

my favorite hermione is spiders because she is 7 feet tall and punk rock

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No wonder she's "self partnered ". Think she does coke?

When did she meet the Harvester?

Technically she's a virgin in all of them, well except the last part of the last book/movie, obviously.
Notable details that COULD imply she had sexual intercourse:
>book 4 with Krum
It's stated they kissed, I recall it in the summer between fourth and fifth year. A blowjob could have also happened and that's why she was so shy about it
>book 6 with McLaggen
she doesn't like the guy and goes with him only to make Ron jealous. It's highly possible McLaggen at least fingered her
>book 7 with Ron
they kissed during the final battle, but they were clearly releasing their tension with each other at that moment. It's possible they had quick sex just before the Harry/Voldy face-off, probably in the Chamber of Secret getting turned on by the basilisk's corpse.

>Favorite HP movie
Half-blood Prince
>Favorite Hermoine
Goblet of fire

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Possibly between 2009-2010. My Week With Marylin was released in 2011. And she wore a lot of Marchesa.

>favorite hermione
All of them. I'd fuck every single one.

>favorite film
Probably the one with the super dangerous wizard olympics. That or the one with Lupin and Sirius because Sirius was fucking based and I like werewolves.

I bet Krum popped her cherry. Hermione wouldn't have been able to resist.

Think Big Harv popped her cherry?


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