Despite the deep lore, there has never been an actually good film adaptation of Warhammer 40k

>despite the deep lore, there has never been an actually good film adaptation of Warhammer 40k

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Warhammer is impossible to adapt especially today.

The budget requirements for a horus heresy film would demand avengers tier production costs and no studio is gonna cough that up EVER.

Also netflix adaptation with black tranny emperor syndrome would occur

Games Workshop is critically cheap(as anyone who bought pewter models in the early 2000s knows) and has a long history of licensing its IP to the lowest bidder, which is why fanmade 40k games and media are often better than official ones.

Astartes and its spin-off might be the best we'll get.
Retributor Gang Gang

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its actually not that deep

But consider the financial returns!
The fanbase of 40k is literally known for coughing up insane amounts of money for plastic shit.
It's insane not to invest in a movie adaptation.

how hard is it to make an animated series of some sorts

its a childish meme setting designed to sell action figures to manchildren

You need to build up warhammers profile like Marvel and you need a miracle of every movie doing well and introducing enough normies to the setting.

Whats the lowest budget warhammer story you can think of? Guardsmen film?
anyway current politics i dont want anyone to make a film

there are tonnes of good fantasy and sci-fi books/games that are great but will never be adapted, normies just don’t like that stuff

guarsmen btfo by tyranids with space marines saving the day, normies will eat it up
either full cgi or live action with practical effects

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Why did sci-fi as a whole just... sort of died?
That "Ready Player One" trash actually got made into a movie when other source materials in the genre just languished.

Fantasy to a lesser degree as well.

Fucking heretics, get your asses back here!

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It has a lot of lore but not a good story. Lore is not story and a movie needs a story.

>a few minute of fan film
Yeah... no. I'll give you that it's painstakingly details at places, but it's literally fanservice with no actual plot or character.

Why did SPACE sci-fi die? Sad thing is, if it wasn't for Marvel, we wouldn't even have had a single decent adventure movie set in outer space in the last, what 20 years?

I used to live within walking distance of Games Workship HQ
place was amazing as a kid

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>deep means good

Just remake starship troopers rethemed to the imperium, with bugs=nids and have cgi space marines save the day at the end. still probably wouldnt make money

Thats for yu gi oh players

Because Games are fucking paranoid lunatics who won't let anyone near their IP.


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Cheaper would be a film about rogue trades discoveeing a genestealer infested spacehulk ending with them and the space hulk bein obliterated by a proper space marine response force

>Releases another shit-tier vidya

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There's disturbing amount of gachi x 40k content

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That is also why MCU made billions.

Imagine that movie series but with Astartes, daemons, xenos filth and glorious loyal brotherhood moments interlinked with bastardly TRAITOR gasping.

The material for countles unforgettable characters is there. Ready to adapt. But Hollywood is guaranteed to water it down to generic scifi fantasy.

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong planet. The eye of terror is in the segmentum obscura.

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Because of all the dumb manbabies who unironically look up to the xenophobic fascist bloated bureaucracy of the imperium as something to be desired and replicated, to the point of even calling their cheeto-haired father surrogate the "God-Emperor".

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McNeil ruined Fulgrim and Abnett/French ruined Alpharius. Kyle is a BBC lover


Because disney ruined starwars and it's put the entire genre into a shitty area no one wants to fuck around in.

This is now a Grimaldus thread

if u no like manbabbe then why u Yas Forums

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>You'll never see Dropsite Massacre scenes in a movie
>You'll never cry into your popcorn as Shadrak "Bloody" Meduson dies
>You'll never gasp as the betrayal at Calth is revealed on the screen
>You'll never cheer as Sanguinius descends from the clouds to slay [SPOILERS] and says "Only angels may fly."
>You'll never see Siege of Terra miniseries
>You'll never hear "I am Alpharius" lines
>You'll never hear "I was there when Horus slew the Emperor" line after the trailers have finished.

Dropsite Massacre could work but Siege of Terra wouldn't. The Palace is too big. We are talking about continent spanning complex with kilometres tall walls. It's too big to comprehend or contain on a screen.

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It’s lore is too deep for a film adaptation


>film starts with an overview of the siege of terra, traitor legions attacking the palace, story started in media res to get audience hooked
>following the view point from a Thunderbolt gunship doing low passes over the traitor legions
>camera pans towards the palace
>zooming all the way into the interior, the path of the camera pan conveys the size of the palace
>camera arrives at the throne room, showing the stand off between big E and Horus
>narrator prompts the story to go back several decades

>fade to black
>big E wakes up one day in his secret laboratory at the start of the unification wars
>big E preps the final sequence of bio engineering of in the transformation of his recruits into thunder warriors
>as bio tanks lights up across a vast underground chamber, machine assembly line starts to churn
>newly awakened thunderwarriors walk onto the assembly and armor and weapons are fitted onto them

>variouis highlights from unification wars ending with the big E taking a teleportarium onto his flag ship Bucephelus
>camera zooms out from big E, revealing first the giant flagship, then the entire fleet
> first film ends with the entire grand crusade fleet leaving Terra, jumping into the warp
>fade to black

Fuck you with your lack of imagination, modern CGI can do wonders.

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