ATHF revival when?

ATHF revival when?

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This show has 30 bad episodes. Just be glad it had a good ending.

stfu compared to the trash that is out there including adultswim this show has a place

Never, Adult Swim was dumb enough to let a cashcow go

it would have to be the shit-postiest, edgiest season. maybe take inspiration from pop team epic.

late era ATHF was way better than any of the fags who only talk about the handbanana, bible fruit, or mooninite episodes will admit

I honestly can't think of a single ATHF episode I didn't enjoy.

Hypno-germ is the first that comes to mind for me but I can’t remember it well enough

it was already hit or miss for the last 5 seasons, let it die

i can't think of any off the top of my head, but i remember thinking the one where frylock stalks that woman was weak just because it seemed so out of character for him

Frylock was the worst of the four of them, so I'm happy to see him fail/suffer.

That’s what was great about it. He also isn’t very good with the ladies.

What did you write in Arabic ?

i love that one, frylock trying desperately to do normal human things is part of his character

Bad ATHF Episodes that braindead stoners omit:
Carl Wash
Hoppy Bunny
Bible Fruit
2 and a half star wars out of five
Fry Legs
Kangarilla and the Magic Tarantula
Freedom Cobra
The Creditor
Shirt Herpes
Robot Horse and Jet Chicken
Buddy Nugget
Zucotti Manicotti
Totem Pole
Banana Planet
The Hairy Bus

^all of these episodes were either really juvenile, unfunny or over reliant of gore and shock value.

I loved the show in its prime, but all these people praying for it back don't realise just how weak it got in the last decade.

this is what a lack of pussy does to a nigga

>Robot Horse and Jet Chicken
>Zucotti Manicotti
those were both great

>over reliant of gore and shock value.
This is where it lost me

You are not wrong my man.

Attached: Carl.png (1224x922, 1.55M)

>Banana Planet
This was pungent and boring.

>Fry Legs
It was a great episode and good cringe-core.

The characters don't need to have consistency since they're comrades in one episodes and everyone has betrayed each other atleast once in another episode.

>didn't like Bible Fruit, Rubberman, Juggalo, or Muscles
What the fuck is your problem? Reedickyoulus, Carl Wash, Hoppy Bunny, and Buddy Nugget were decent too, if only for the Carl gags. Everything else on your list, I could leave.

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It has a billion seasons already you sequelfags are never satisfied goddamn


The second that they got the approval to go TVMA they ruined the ruined the show. The PG and TV14 episodes were peak. The TVMA episodes have gems, but you can feel the laziness.
Also fuck people who say this show is for stoners. I never touched marijuana but this shit was funny.
Idk. They brought back samari jack
Nothing wrong with wanting more content. If the Simpsons was cancelled people would still want more episodes

Circus, Interfection, Hypno-germ, Boston, Hoppy Bunny, Fry Legs, Granite Family, and plenty more. I don't remember the episodes from later episodes, but I remember generally not giving a shit about most of them. I think there is at least one joke in each episode I like, but that never is enough to carry the episode.

I agree with all of this except Rubberman. I thought it was a pretty close return to the first couple seasons.

>Shake likes the flintstones so much that he launches Americas nukes at Russia to blow the world back to the stone age
Granite Family was kino.

I'd probably put Zucotti Manicotti in my top 20 episodes.

only bad episodes are Circus, Carl Wash, and a couple from TV Show Show

Where to start?
Where to end?

hopefully never, everything that comes back after a few years always is total shit (futurama, arrested development, etc..)

Watching? Start at the beginning. I personally say the first 4 seasons are the best the show has to offer by an infinitely large margin.

>Start at the beginning. I personally say the first 4 seasons are the best the show has to offer by an infinitely large margin.
Good to hear.


Terrible, unfunny show


Agreed, but keep watching to the end. There is still at least one episode per season that can stand with the classics.

>Also fuck people who say this show is for stoners. I never touched marijuana but this shit was funny.
lol, same. I also enjoyed the show long before I touched alcohol at 19.