ITT: Blackino

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Was Drew autistic?


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>tfw Terry took a pic of the inside of the refrigerator to save on electricity

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How did we go from to this?

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*Still playing in your barber shop to this day*

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All in the Family for black people

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just dropping the GOAT show

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Undercover Brother
Black Dynamite
Soul Plane

Based, my favorite Nickelodeon show along with Ned's something or other Guide.
>tfw used to think that TV movie with the headless man was a complete fever dream until I discovered it again a few years ago


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Antwone Fisher.

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>I got these cheeseburgers maaaan

Terry Crews was amazing in this show. I love that scene in which he knows the exact price of everything.

>Unplug that clock, boy. You can't tell time while you sleep. That's two cents an hour.

That show was so good.

God I wanted to fuck the psycho teacher so bad

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oh Ned's declassified was good too
Suzie Crabgrass > Lindsey

I remember listening to a interview with a KKK member. He said he hated black people, but loved black television. His favorite show was Sanford and Son.

Based Wayans Bros poster

me and my bro used to watch Steptoe & Son (what sanford & son is based off) so much the tape ribbon broke

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Drew was Tyrone af

You are wasting 12 cents of light reading this post

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Black Dynamite

Ummm...yall forgetting something?

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what headless man?

>since you work as a slave all day and don’t have any time to enjoy your own money, can I have it?
Kek’d for five minutes when I watched this for the first time. The allowance lecture by Julius was hilarious and 100% spot on

>that time she tried to call him out for hypocrisy after discovering he's got a secret credit card debt, only for it to be revealed it's was for her engagement ring.