What was your reaction when Tobi = Obito happened?
What was your reaction when Tobi = Obito happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off
My reaction was Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
Sneed's Feed & Seed (Formerly Chuck's)
holy based
Based and Sneedgeki pilled
Oh god I fucking hated it. Obito was such a whiny cunt. When he pretended to be Madara is was temporarily the best character tho.
formerly not his turn
Everyone predicted it at least 7 years before it was revealed.
Formerly based (currently based as well)
They should've done something with this guy
>does a complete 180 in personality and ideals all because his middle school crush died
Based and coolestguypilled
Gucci Loafers
Formerly doesn't do an incomplete 90 in personality and ideals all because her grade school smash lived
Cringe and nerdiestgirlpilled
Death to the Uchiha
he was absolutely in the right
it was fucking obvious
its literally in his name
Thank you for your service
Kisame. we are leaving
>It has been decided. The Leaf must be destroyed.
Sneed. we are feeding (formerly Chuck. we are fucking)
holy mother of based
Someone care to explain to me what this fucking show is about and why this shit is always getting posted?
Relentlessly based
Annoyed because it was painfully obvious and everyone guessed the twist immediately so Kishi freaked out and decided Tobu was Madara instead because he wanted the reveal of his identity to be surprising, but his being Madara was irrelevant because Madara was a literal who at that point and no one in the story had any relationship with him so the twist was empty but Kishi rolled with it anyway until he gave up and decided to change his mind back to what it was in the first place and have him be Obito after everyone finally got used to Madara
What a nightmare