any decent flicks where the villain is correct but not necessarily right?
Any decent flicks where the villain is correct but not necessarily right?
i always laugh when people use data to support their arguments, but shove their ears in their fingers and say "I CAN'T HEAR YOU" when the data go against their beliefs
The people complaining about that statement probably aren’t the type of people to look at data
How is this controversial at all? Of course women are going to stay and pick all the options while the men just grab whatever works. Are we just gonna pretend that a man shopping for clothes takes the exact same time as a woman shopping for clothes now?
Because women are never wrong and have no negative traits.
I highly doubt this baclash comes from Japan.
doesn't it just show they spend less time shopping rather than necessarily spending less time per trip
Because you aren't allowed to point out differences between men and women in (current year + 5) you bigot.
Women are still "better" at grocery shopping though.
I'm quick but I often forget things, and I always skip the snack isle and regret it later. I also NEED a list or I will forget shit every time.
GF takes longer but she takes more care to both not forget anything and gets me nice treats just in case. Women pretty much go down every single isle just in case, where as men go to the zones they know they need to go to.
Women also use trolleys while men use baskets, so by default we're less likely to carry as much even if we double basket.
>Eating snacks
Reddit food
men use the signs
men already know what they want before they get in the shop
there was a study done and they hooked an eye monitor
there was another one about direction and how long it took men to navigate a high street
they went straight to the shop they wanted and left the town through a short cut
women went around the high street multiple times, couldn't find the shop they wanted and got lost a few a times
are you one of those simps i've been hearing about?
>eating groceries makes you a simp
Men are impulsive, women are autistic when it comes to shopping
being fed snacks like a hamster does
Snacks are for limp dicked fatties.
Of anything is a problem in this pandemic it's the normalfags who lack independence so much that they have to shop with their spouse. Do things on your own for fucks sake you pathetic idiots.
My sister is working as an engineer and her husband is looking after the kids.
You realize that data is referring to who does more shopping, not how much time it takes for a man vs. a woman to do the same shopping, right?
Men usually don't know where things are
>I'm a special kind of retard, therefore women are better
Your brother in law is a fag.
shut the fuck up kike
I bet I could kick both your asses.
lol how pathetic do you have to be to need to completely misread data on the most mundane things to prop up your fragile worldview and get angry whenever it's pointed out it doesn't support it
This is ineffective here, if you want to score brownie points you should post this on twitter instead.
Based retard incels
OH MY GOD! so you're telling me that in a country with old fashioned values of male and female roles, women spend more time at the grocery stores than men? like as in they are the ones going out to shop and not men and that's why they make up more time? incredible findings
yeah i mean all you would have to do is sit on us and we'd be crushed by your lard ass
>that data is referring to who does more shopping
>"average minutes per day spent on household shopping"
yeah probably doesn't
look at sweden down there. one of the most equal countries in the world, men and women share shopping duties equally. and yet, their combined time spent shopping is less than that of a single japanese woman
now tell me to my face japanese women don't spend an excessive time shopping
>Korean men - 6 minutes
Tiny penis = tiny shopping list
Or be me and never grab the fucking basket and always regret it as i'm trying to balance six things in my arms.
dudes based
>spends the days with the kids being a good father
>doesn't have to break his back at work
>spends an hour a day cooking/cleaning
>if his wife ever leaves him she has to pay him alimony
>gets to sit on his ass and his only responsibility is making sure his kids don't die