Any kinos about cruel realizations and let-downs?

Any kinos about cruel realizations and let-downs?

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what is this?

by Yas Forums incel logic this makes her a based pure virgin

Did....did you actually think they had real sex

WTF? Is that how they film porn?

Explain how someone has sex without having sex.

Nope its very specific POV porn where its pretty obvious there's no sex if you're not retarded

why are the two guys a pair of chinks

it's still real to me damn it

Based. I will never understand making real sex or anything real like "lol climb up that mountain" when you can just fake it and it looks just as good.
You're a failed director if you don't know at least 100 ways to fake something.

with asians

Wait, that's how sex works?

Ok but how do they film the shots where there's a dick penetrating her vagina?


why wouldn't one of them just fuck her?

what the fuck is thus has they make JAVS? this is actually really saddening the last decade of my fucking life has been a lied.. fucking nip cunts

They’re scared ;__;

Cool straw man, plebbit

I wanna thank each and every one of y'all, for what you've done to your bodies

Men shouldn't treat women like this

thats how i fuck my gf. for anal i turn her on her tummy and pull away

Dude, if it's softcore or just of shot of just the woman's face there's no PIV happening.

Japan has liberals and certain types of immigrants too, and they're very much pushing white-girl porn as well as black man/Asian woman porn there too.

There is no escaping the global manipulator.

There are millions of men who wouldn't even comprehend treating a woman like that but she's there with those men, voluntarily.

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you'd have to pay them more

I agree. Women should not be paid and given attention to be put on camera.

This is like 90% of Xev's shit

Anyone have the other one with the long haired guy really overly exaggerating the thrusts. I think he looked kinda like a nordic guy or something

it's better this way, i don't want to see dicks

And it pisses me off

If she wasn't doing that she'd be whoring her self out behind closed doors. Maybe if she had better parents things could have been different.

is this for vr?

Japs outsmarting the rest of the world once again

jews are hiring chinks? what's going on?

If I ever found myself buck naked in a room of bright lights, cameras and a bunch of pornographer japs, I'd assume some responsibility for ending up in such a situation.

When I will be having sex with my wife, would I be the guy holding the legs or camera, I don't get it.

I like the directions of the camera guy.

>I wanted to be like my heroes - Tarkovski, Ozu, Bunuel... instead... this. Faster! Faster! Pull her legs, SHE'S HAVING AN ORGASM!

that's what y'all call a threesome??

Is that Bunny Colby?

Nah, boobs look too small and natural.

>tfw you went to film school for nothing.

Attached: cameraguy.jpg (597x590, 43.8K)

They are faking the pleasure and how into it they are anyway so who cares really.

Me with the camera

man, I hope the pay is good at least

been ages since I watched but there was a point where she started recording with her hubby or whoever so there was penetration shown

Jesus, that guy is short as fuck.

is this how feet fags have sex?

All porn dudes are hilariously short for some reason.

lmao can someone shop jim's face from the office on the camera guy?

That's why that user said 90%. Her boyfriend/husband has a tiny mushroom dick and probably cums very quickly because those segments are always very short.