Did you know Reddit talks about you a lot? people come here, specifically this board (they say it's the most autistic of them all, filled with autists who can't enjoy fiction and who believe that reality is only about films and series and that Jews control reality through Netflix and other crazy beliefs like that) to shitpost and laugh at you.

Did you know you were the laughing stock of the Internet now? I remember when Yas Forums inspired respect and sometimes fear and often admiration about originality and lulz (lulz = keks for oldfags). Nowadays you're like an autistic zoo that normal people come visit. How does that make you feel?

Women on Reddit who wonder what incels are truly like are sent here to see for themselves. Did you know that? How does that make you feel?

Are there any "kinos" for this kind of feel?

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Just going to leave this here

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You had your fun, but please fuck off now

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poo poo pee pee lol

Reddit is more like real life, agree or disagree?
Yas Forums is more like a safe zone, yes or no?

OP, one thread was funny, we all had a good laugh, but now it's getting boring, just fuck off already

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>Women on Reddit
There are no women on the internet user

kill yourself already and delete your shitty thread, reddit nigger

>Claims that Yas Forums is a bastion of frezze peech.
>Is censoring me.

Guess I win.

Nobody on Yas Forums or reddit will ever admit it, but the two have so much more in common than anyone lets on. It's obvious if you think about it, the 2 sites have the exact same target demographic (white males 15-40 without social awareness). It's funny how both sides seem to be equally embarrased about it.

reddit is based

You need to go back

reminder that this is low-key bait thread and if you continue to give it serious replies you're worse than the moron OP

also sage

to be fair if you dont browse both reddit and Yas Forums, you are retarded

>we all had a good laugh,
We know you didn't laugh. Your ass was hurting and you're still pained. You're here for revenge. And you will fail.

Stay mad.


>just fuck off already
>Yas Forums is free speech, you're welcome to say anything you want
>just fuck off already


Take brain vitamins.

7 daus :3

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reddit's target demographic is everyone, not only white males.

OP here: I sure found your fucking weakness. I can't even keep up with either thread! CALM THE FUCK DOWN. I'm just showing my friends what a bunch of sensitive cunts you are.

>dish it out on others
>CANNOT handle criticism


Just a short real life story

>be me used Yas Forums since it was created
>at my first job in the inner city of NY
>70% of coworkers are black, couple of qts
>another white coworker like me, looks like a total neckbeard and I knew for a fact he was a reddit fag because he had very corny humor
>using my Yas Forums knowledge and meme posts, I was able to make my black coworkers laugh and Yas Forums taught me how to actually be funny
>neckbeard reddit guy humor sucked and nobody liked him
>he got mad at me because I would joke about blacks , infront of the black coworkers and they wouldn't care
>called me racist
>one day this qt black girl went up to him and called him a faggot to his face and you can tell he lost his soul right there

Moral of the story, Yas Forums teaches you how to interact with actual people and real world jokes. Reddit teaches you how to be a soft faggot and only place you fit in is tranny conventions.

Today in Economics class I asked my teacher why the value of money couldn't change.

He just looked at me like I blew his mind. I think I'm going to be a stockbroker.

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reddit is just CIA bots
you can tell because Yas Forums has way more influence irl than r*ddit

Anybody else think that the /film/ thread is a tourist thread?

One, that isn't how demographics work, and two, if you took a poll of all redditors it would obviously be majority british/american white guys.

if you started posting on Yas Forums after 2011 you're a redditor here because reddit won the /q/ wars in 2012


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nice cope

>He cute

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say the name of the US president

>kill yourself already and delete your shitty thread, reddit nigger
>Yes, I value free speech. Unless you disagree with me. Then I don't.

This never gets old.

If you aren't a hivemind of autists, how come absolutely nobody here has an original opinion? How come I'm the only one with an opinion that isn't the same as all of you?

you aight, white boi

Nobody is censoring you, dumb bastard. This just isn’t the correct board. Take it to Yas Forums
Or are you too scared that you’ll get shit on over there?

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>Yas Forums welcomes free speech
>half the users tell you to shut up
>nobody is interested in others' ideas if they are different from theirs
>absolutely nobody has an original opinion on what OP says

Woah, you sure showed him!

No it's an old-oldfag trying to relive the days before shitskin meme hustlers like you showed up with swaglords help and took over

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The true retards are the ones defending reddit/Yas Forums.

any general is
it goes against the core nature of this website

reddit literally looks like robots talking to one another for CIA astroturfing projects

FUN FACT: the way you "argue" on Yas Forums, your safe zone, would get you absolutely humiliated IRL, which is why it's a fucking hugbox. You can act like a tard here, your true nature, BECAUSE it's a safe space for autards.

Admit it. Comfort zone, hugbox, safe space.

Doubt that redditors have that good tastes

In my experience minorities prefer whites who joke with them and stereotypes to fragile Redditors who act awkward around them in order not to offend them, as if members of minorities were little kids.
Most blacks are based if you let them use white stereotypes and joke with them, they'll let you use black stereotypes and will actually enjoy interacting with a white guy who isn't a complete faggot.
In my uni most of the lads I talked to were black, Redditors who so often love to praise them were fucking terrified of them lmao

You can't force people to give a shit.


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Jesus Christ, why the fuck is Yas Forums so triggered?

Are you snowflakes getting hurt?

every argument here is just strawmans

Hot take, they're not wrong. I've been here 12 years, started browsing age 12 now 24 and just graduated as a doctor. Maybe it's because I can't remember things properly, maybe it's because I've got much more intelligent/mature while most people leave once they hit a certain point, but I think most likely is that the place has just gotten worse.

We've always been weirdos, but gone are the days where the typical 4channeller was friendly, fairly intelligent, rational but most importantly and aware of his flaws. Now at least half the site is genuinely hateful/nasty human garbage, doesn't stand for freedom of speech or rational discussion (I've been banned many times for posting positively about Tesla on o or Apple on g, no one gives a fuck) and is just a pit for screeching at each other. People who leave the house and have a job seem to be a rarity, and hence almost every discussion is frustrating since people don't know the most basic shit about real life. Most modern 4channellers can't think for themselves and do nothing but sprout hate/screech incoherently, that is the issue.

On the other hand I've tried leaving for Reddit many times and always came back simply cause it's even worse due to everyone downvoting stuff they disagree with, even if it's rational and well thought out.

Sent from 4g just incase jannyger tries to ban for being "off topic". Sneed.

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Yet who's obsessed with upvotes?
Who's constantly trying to be funny to an online audience?
Who edits their posts and give themselves congratulations for no reason?
Who can't comprehend reality unless it involves comic book characters?
I could go on but fuck 'reddit"

society was made a safe space for kikes and their various pets by removing free speech
it's ok, White people are gearing up for dealing with pest parasite

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They’ll tell you to shut up but nobody will delete your post (unless it’s really retarded)

>PLEASE just accept that this place is the REAL safe space
Why do leftists always project? It's fucking pathological.