Why didn't Yas Forums tell me that Black Swan is a high-level kino?
Why didn't Yas Forums tell me that Black Swan is a high-level kino?
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Um because it's a 10 year old movie. You're a little late to the show pardner.
People in the ballet world were pissed at how the marketing people lied and acted like Natalie Portman learned ballet and did her own moves, when actually it's a double that does 99% of the dancing. Great movie though
>OP wasnt here for the Black Swann/Tree of Life anticipation threads
fucking newfags
Jesus Christ, it's just fucking ballet
>why didn't Yas Forums tell me this movie made by aronofsky is high-level kino
because you were supposed to know you fucking retard
was she an incel
>Um because it's a 10 year old movie.
So? Yas Forums discusses older movies all the time. Also it was nowhere on anyone's 2010s lists you plebs
Aren't 80% of the dance shots done by Natalie?
>OP doesnt even know Black Swan is a remake of an animu
Aronofsky sucks and Black Swan is terribble
You were probably eight when it came out, zoomer retard.
I know about Perfect Blue, faggot
Nah, it was more like the dancer they hired to do some of the more difficult footwork wasn't cool with the idea of being an anonymous double so she made up some bullshit about how that was actually her in all the scenes and Portman did nothing and she should have gotten more credit blah blah blah
You can tell it's Portman in most of the scenes, though. They didn't do the George Lucas CGI headswap thing so if you see her face it's her. The actual ballerina was mostly foot shots and sometimes they used editing tricks to make it look like the footwork was Natalie but that's how doubles work
t. dude who watched the blu-ray special features
>making live-action anime adaptations
it's like what Disney's doing but based instead of cringe
Black swan and Perfect Blue are both great movies
2010 isn't long ago. 10 years old isn't "older".
The Inception/Paprika comparison is better but this argument doesn't hold up at all.
>1. Every girl who's sad ever mopes in bed like that.
>2. Classic Jekyl and Hyde
>3 and 4. Not even gonna bother, they are out of context.
Hold me closer, tiny hershlog.
>being proud about not leaving this place after 10 years
I feel a little bad for you
so did she fuck mila or was it just a dream?
>They didn't do the George Lucas CGI headswap thing so if you see her face it's her.
>t. dude who watched the blu-ray special features
Yeah but the thing is they didn't put this video in the Blu-Ray features
And they took this video down during awards season to make it look like it was Natalie doing the dancing
It was the viewer's dream
no Mila's character was straight, when Hershlag asks if she remembers being with her she says something like "not unless your name is Todd and you have a dick"
What's his problem?
so did she murder mila or was it just a dream?
Was he right?
>people still watch these retards
>they didn't want you to see the TRUTH
>which why they posted the unedited version on the internet for everyone to see
Even those quotes in the video prove Aronofsky credited the dancer with the exact number of shots she claims to have been in.Natalie did 80% of the dance shots, and the dancer's cherry-picking by basically saying "if you look at the five minutes of the movie that's not Natalie it's 90% me."
Yeah, they yanked the videos and told her to stfu, but only because she was going out of her way to draw attention to the parts where she was in which exactly the opposite of what a double's supposed to do. You didn't see Zoe Bell going online and talking shit about how Uma Thurman can't actually do swordfighting because she was jealous that nobody knew it was her in certain scenes
Point is you were wrong about them not doing CGI head replacements, which they at first publicized then tried to hide during awards season.
Besides not only was Sarah Lane not even credited for being Portman's dance double, it wasn't even her who started the shit. It all went viral after a blog post made after Portman won the Oscar.
>After the Oscar ceremony on February 27, 2011 in which Portman won the Academy Award for Best Actress and where she thanked many people but did not mention Lane,[18] dancer and editor-in-chief of Dance Magazine Wendy Perron published a March 3, 2011 blog post in which she asks why a visual effects video clip showing Lane's face being replaced by Portman's was once available online but later removed from the Internet prior to the Oscars. She also speculates as to whether Portman deliberately did not mention Lane, by asking if this was a case of "forgetfulness in the heat of the moment? Or was this omission, and the deletion from the video, planned by the studio's publicity machine?"[2]
Its a literalist depiction of schizophrenia
Basically a documentary
shit film
aronofsky hasnt made a good film in 12 years
Recently watched it, liked it a lot, even better than the anime
>it's a double that does 99% of the dancing
They get mad watching action movies with stunt people too?
We assumed you knew already??? Sorry user ;_;