I'll tell my children this was the original avengers

I'll tell my children this was the original avengers

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this is just like in harry potter

You'll be receiving a cease-and-desist soon, Red Cross are pretty litigious about their trademark.

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its a disgusting meme but that doctor cap design is pretty cool
i can imagine that being a mook in a metal gear ripoff game where you need to sneak through a biolab or some shit

>those people who are doing their work for money are heroes

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holy fucking cringe. whoever made that image needs to be castrated.

You mean your wifes sons, right

>we are fighting coronavirus by ..erm .. no actual vaccine .. so .. yeah we are watching people die in hospital. DOCTORS ASSEMBLE!

No need, they won't reproduce anyway.

fuck off voldemort

cringe kino

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how many doctors would be on the front line for free because of how much they care.
not a fucking one.

>sports players and musicians and celebrities are heroes but hospital workers are not

peak retardation

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based kino

Nobody over 13 thinks those people are heroes

Just getting embarrassing at this point
Now this is streets ahead

Corona-Man is killing off the burden of the elderly, reducing pollution, destroying China AND America, and improving the planet overall to the benefit of all.

>10 kinos jews don't want you to see

most doctors are paid pennies until they are well into their 30's and work horrendous hours, under tremendous stress

Same for nurses, tech and hospital workers, except they get paid even less.

you fucking retarded neet

>make the most retarded strawman possible

>American doctors are paid pennies
holy fucking brainlet alert.
you're probably referring to your third world shithole of a country that nobody cares about

because you're stupid

Dr Manhattan what are you doing you could fix this shit no problem

This doesn't make sense. The Wuhanvirus literally can't lose.

>most doctors are paid pennies until they are well into their 30's
why post something that can be proven wrong with a 10 second google search? neck it dumbfuck

>my clipboard will defeat you, CoronaThanos!

I won't show any Marvel films to my kids at all.

it looks like doctors are the villains

my uncle's a doc who works about 20 hours a week tops and has been making six figures since he was 30

Old people home go cough cough lol

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doctors are scumbags

they only want money and will do anything for it and they will kill you if it would me more profitable for them(contract with funeralhome)

>d-doctor I think I've g-got Coronavirus *coof coof*, c-can you t-test me please?
>certainly, that will be $800.
>$800?!? *coof* I cant afford it! *coof coof coof* please!!!! I'm dying here!
>No money, no honey. get out of my surgery.
yeah, real heroes.

this is 100% wrong. My friend is a nurse and is making 10,000 a WEEK. TEN THOUSAND A FUCKING WEEK to go work up in NYC right now for 13 weeks on contract. Even in non crisis times, an RN can make on average 60-100k a year.

My boss, an OD, just put in a bid for a 700k home(which I think is pure stupidity for where we live)