How will it end for him?

How will it end for him?

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He'll get his own show. Screencap this.

why is he so fucking based

boy do I hope

Hope most of it's in Spanish. It's nice following along.

i honestly don't like him as a character

what is wrong with you

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He will kill Gus and Nacho. BCS is actually set in a parallel universe.

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yes pls i want more lalo feet

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that would explain the plotholes

With a bold new partnership.

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WTF!? why is howard with Don Eladio which episode is this!?

>Hope most of it's in Spanish

throat slit in jungle, mexican style

the actors just like to come to set because they like the show even on days theyre not filming, nothing special


>howard is the cartel overboss
holy fucking shit

Killed by Nacho, hopefully

Wtf why Don Eladio looks better here than on the show?

Yet another photo for my "blessed tv pictures" folder.

he'll get killed by some random fuck up after surviving multiple assassination attempts and close calls just like gus

he's not close enough for you to see the spiderweb of wrinkles on his face
man's aging too fast, hope he doesn't kick the bucket before s6 because I actually like eladio

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Would be nice but won't happen.

He wrecks Breaking Bad canon

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all those up close shots in that yellow Mexico filter really makes those wrinkles stand out

walter is going to kill him?

yeah it'll be the last scene, walt with accidentally back over him with his car or something and then drive away blending seamlessly into the first episode of breaking bad

what will they call it?

brainlet here

why was he so upset that saul got lost in the desert and attacked?

nacho must die

he wasn't supposed to know he got attacked

because it meant that somewhere along the chain of him gettin the money for bail there was double cross and an effort to steal the money and leave him rotting in jail. He wanted any details Jimmy could give him on the guys so he could start trying to find out who it was that set that shit in motion.