>fuck those anti-SJW trolls
He is right, you know.
Fuck those anti-SJW trolls
He's right because it just makes you look like a simp who can't handle the world. It makes you look worse than whiny women and people. A whining white dude is always worse than a whining woman or minority
lol did he touch a nerve OP?
Nobody gets more offended than the faggots who constantly bitch about how easily offended everyone else is.
>N-no, U.
Yeah cry more faggot.
>OP agrees with soinigger's take
>"hahaha fragile much rightard?"
and we're fragile?
Jay should review the creampie Mike left in his gf's snatch
Trolling is not whining.
OP once again triggered by Jay.
Jay is so based and relentlessly handsome
Unironically using the the term simp makes you look like a zoomer faggot. You don't have to automatically start using whatever new word people start pushing just to fit in.
t. simp
Yeah, it's totally not because your assblasted
underneath every "based pepe or groyper" icon is a very emotionally repressed person
I thought this was clear
Yeah, this is you whining like a bitch. This post right here
>don’t use buzzwords!
In your mind it probably seems like epic trolling, but to everyone else you just appear butthurt as fuck.
Simp as a term is at least 20 years old. Look at this zoomer faggot.
But that’s exactly what Jay just did
>”HAHAHA they put ‘Gretel’ first in the title! Here come all the trolls to shit on it just because of that!”
>”...Well, it wasn’t an amazing movie anyway...”
They did the same thing with Captain Marvel and crying about everyone being mean to Larson, then spent half the interview saying what an unlikeable cunt she is. I’m starting to suspect that Rich and/or Jack is just getting butthurt about anti-SJW talking points and then telling Jay to put that shit in the reviews to mock them.
>rightists are the real sjws!
disney bought them out for millions and they write the script now
>annihilation was a smart and original movie
Isn't it just social justice warrioring for white men? How is this a wrong take?
Fuck everyone
>if someone slaps you in the face and you react you're exactly as bad as they are
This. Go swallow razor blades, both of you.
white upper class campus conservatives
the most oppressed group
>They did the same thing with Captain Marvel and crying about everyone being mean to Larson
You're delusional.
wat happun?
Jay makes joke
OP is a jealous fag
Gets triggered
Makes thread
Everybody laughs at OP
Another day on 4channel.
Nice argument
wtf I hate RLM now
Why is Jay so based?
It makes you a bitch, and no better than the people you hate, yeah
SJWs are a reaction to neoconservative politics
Can't believe you're too dumb to see it
hm, ok
I haven't watched their latest video yet