

Attached: star-wars-political-cartoon.png (925x925, 120.67K)

Gita bamp

don't get it

Attached: NORMAL CHINK BUT A HORSE GUY.webm (480x640, 1.91M)


Anakin made a mistake saying he was ten because he was flustered by Amidala. He was actually 9 in TPM

totally fine if it's boiled or cooked in some other way.

>NOOOOOOOOOOOOO STONETOSS IS A FUCKING NAZI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 15edf10160cbd6b70a6b4086cb5cd3078.png (785x731, 279.53K)

Stone Toss is a Nazi Pedophile.

sounds based to me

i'm here for the seething trannies
please come soon

*starts seething*

lol I love shmorky!

he was raped

Lucas may have been autistic and a poor writer, but all this stuff about child trafficking, slavery and sexual repression was all completely intentional, and the story of the prequels was directly about an orphan being turned into space Hitler being trafficked through an elite council of child groomers


Attached: door.jpg (576x442, 18.23K)


Seethe harder


checked and based

Reminder to donate to his not-patreon so he can lazily regurgitate Yas Forums posts, bros!

what's a nazi?

child rape

hello /r/antifastonetoss

Even though that's not how it happened, how gay is stonetoss that he doesn't want to get abused by teenage Natalie Herschlag?

Attached: 1575582080485.png (1274x1072, 2.48M)

when will we get "stonetoss - teh moviez" ?
is he /ourguy/ ?

why is he eating a brit

Stonetoss is cringe but somehow comes all the way around to being based again through the sheer autism he induces in redditors.

nice triple dubs

Attached: dubs guy assasination.jpg (750x1024, 122.55K)

Why do discord trannies and redditors seethe so hard about stonetoss ?

yeah, but wasn’t she 13 when they first met?

Because he destroys their ideological views with a simplicity and elegance that can't really be countered. He deconstructs their world view with ease and displays the remains for the world to see in a package that's extremely memetic.

He can effectively deliver a punchline half the time, which is a chronic disability in leftist memes.