What is it about soys that make them seethe over children

What is it about soys that make them seethe over children

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Kids are annoying as fuck

no idea

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People who know they will die childless have to convince themselves that they actually hate kids and children wouldn't make them happy. The truth is obviously that most people would benefit from having kids, being a sexually reproducing species and believing otherwise is just maximum COPE. Not caring about your lineage is self-delusion in almost everyone.

They hate themselves

Good thing they grow up. Not being able to delay gratification or sacrifice for later is a sign of low IQ. And be honest, lots of the time kids are fucking hilarious.

They convince themselves that they don't want children because our generation will never be well off enough to take care of children. Our economic situation has led to arrested development

I wish your parents had realized that

because kids disrupt you when you CONSOOM so sois hate that

i have noticed when i look at reddit that anything to do with children really makes a lot of them angry. if they see a funny video of a kid playing with a cat's tail and getting smacked, they feel compelled to say "i don't want kids" or "i hate kids". they even have a subreddit where they discuss not having kids

i prefer Yas Forums where the posters love children


Lgs are sexy

>i prefer Yas Forums where the posters love children
but at what cost...

nice try


They are just mad because they want to but can't afford it since they can barely afford a home.
And millennials seem to be retardedly proud and don't want to admit there's something in their lives that doesn't work, so they try to convince themselves they don't want things they can't get, and other times they try to make their flaws sound like something good or idealistic.

Idiots, all of them.

Because our elites want to lower the quality of life to third world status
White people don't have kids, they'll bring over tons of pakis and Indians who will have tons of Kids, and they also don't work, white people are paying for brown peoples kids, it's going to be a sad future

Yeah except other people's kids aren't gratifying in any way. Please explain to me how the annoying shits running loudly through my apartment complex screaming their lungs out, birthed as one of about 6 or 7 children from their mexican mother, is somehow "delayed gratification" for me.

Keep in mind there is literally nothing I can legally do to get them to be quiet and they are protected from any kind of noise ordinance in an apartment complex and so I must let them be as loud as they want.

>Acting like a primate and spreading your seed is high IQ
big yikes from me dog

They are materialist, hedonist drones who do nothing but consume pop culture. They have no ideology beyond the party line, no philosophy beyond what “science” says humans should do and like. Normally, your spiritual and non rational instincts compel you to love and want to protect children, as even though they can be annoying and self centred they represent innocence, and you are willing to be patient with them because you realise that they don’t understand things the way you do. The sign of a wise generation is in how it treats its young. When you have a decadent, self serving generation which has no connection to nature, the spiritual etc. Not only do they need to rationalise everything they do using “logic” like some sort of machine but they have no reverence for innocence nor do they have the self reflective human depth to be patient. In fact, children represent a purity they are actively opposed to their entire lives on a sub conscious level. They are also jealous, as they can’t accept their mortality either. These things lead to them hating and exploiting the young who then grow up broken in even worse ways as a result

And don't forget those ultra lib places in America that are trying to convince millennials. that pic related is the ideal way of living.

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is this the american dream

lol it's that bad? they must have a shitty life

Children remind szoyboys that everything they do and are interested in is considered children's entertainment. Children shine a mirror on them. It's just that simple.

>i prefer Yas Forums where the posters love children

I find it funny that soibois hate children for being annoying and ruining lives but are ok with trannies.

Not liking kids is one thing, but never trust anyone who openly talks about how much they hate children. Usually have something very wrong with them.

>sacrifice for later
Later what?
Raising kids doesn't do anything for you, at most it does something for the world or your lineage but I dont give a fuck about either

whats wrong user? don't you love kids?

It's absolutely natural to have kids. People who delude themselves get depressed to see other happy families but feel like it's too late for them so they get angry. Just ignore and enjoy life, the jew fears a happy succesful man.

They also hate anti vaxxers for "endangering kids' lives" when it suits them

>unironically says "yikes"
>he thinks he can show off his IQ

Just google search TV Television and Film to see how much Yas Forums loves kids

Probably something missing in their brain.

Children are the spawn of satan

Yeah all those black and Mexican people clearly have superior IQ for having 10+ kids each

>tfw no cunny daughter

This is very true. It's just so fucking creepy and weird...

I run into other people's annoying kids every single day. I've run into a transexual once in my entire life and I didn't talk to him. That's why. Trans people are irrelevant to my life. My life doesn't take place on the internet like so many other people on this board.

well at that pace they are going to outbreed whites out of existence. pretty decent strategy to decimate a population if you can't do it in other means

middle ground bby

I doubt it has to do with strategy user, it's just primal instinct, the less evolved species always breed the most

Just basic indoctrination

I'll bet you anything this guy never once asked the kids to keep it down or play elsewhere. Did you ever talk to their parents? Make up some bullshit about working from home on nights and weekends. People are a lot more accommodating than you give them credit for, especially if you actually talk to them. Imagine not talking to your neighbors when you share walls with them.

No sorry I prefer to enjoy my life over wasting 15-20 years married to 1 woman to raise children