Can't drink or smoke for another 28 days

>can't drink or smoke for another 28 days
What's Yas Forumss favorite Ramadan kino? For me, it's The Omar Series

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I hope you're not serious.

>organized religion
>in current year

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Ramadan? Today was the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

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I support you

God is not an old white guy. He's not even human and doesn't have a gender.

Prove it.

God cannot be comprehended by the feeble human mind.

>>can't drink or smoke for another 28 days
>What's Yas Forumss favorite Ramadan kino? For me, it's The Omar Series

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Godspeed, Inshallahbrother.

Commit neckrope

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stop worrying about him then

If I couldn't drink I might legit die. It surely would be extremely painful.

>i have no organized religion because I want to be assraped by barbarians and their organized religion

What about fapping?

he is all knowing and all seeing

Muslims are the last unpozzed religion, so go suck a gay priest dick fag

mudslimes are the biggest hypocrites. they all eat pork and drink alcohol secretly, and most of them are closetfags.

If all organized religion is good for is ass rape, why have it at all?

you obviously can't comprehend that or his intentions or anything so why do you give a fuck

thats not all its good for, its one of the things its good for

How Amehd fucked a goat
Four lions
Pork for breakfast

Name one (1) reason to drink alcohol ever.
Saying I'm an incel shut-in sperg that "doesn't get it" doesn't count.

Team America: World Police

god willed itself into existence. and when you hear that "we are gods children" thats not exactly accurate, because we are all god. god is sleeping, and he is living each and every single human life that has been and will be, and once he experiences each life, he will wake up and our universe will cease to exist. so next time you call some user a cunt or tell him to kill hisself, remember, you are only saying that to yourself

so is there an actual shitskin ITT or is it just ironic posting?

Maybe he should have worked a bit harder on creating it then

Just eat and smoke at night, your God can't see you when it's dark outside.

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It's fun

Theres a cool kino called stop worshiping demons that make you get on your knees 3 times a day you fucking moron. Is it that hard to realize the abrahamaic religions are a fucking meme?

You should go worship Goaul'd from stargate at this point.9
When you read your little pig book does it ever strike you somethings wrong?

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>ramadan is supposed to be about remembrance off poorfags, but somehow youre not only not allowed to eat or drink, but can't penetrate,smoke ,draw blood, ejaculate and vomit for some reason
>vague amount of time for fasting,someone in the poles can fast either 2 or 22 hours
>supposedly satan is chained up during this month, so any evil done is out of human malice

ramadan is a dumb concept, muzzies just cant move on from some schizo trader in the desert teachings

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You seriously believe the ALL POWERFUL GOD THAT MADE ANYTHING, ALL THE COSMOS wants you to cover women like ninjas and beat them with stones? He wants you to fuck 16 year old kids and tells you to get on your knees 3 times a day?

What kinda all powerful god needs you to feed him energy 3 times a day?
Fucking cretins.

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ummmm ackshually it's 5 times a day

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is this a memri thread

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I'm pretty sure prescribed painkillers is a grey area. Contact your primary, maybe?

>Christian LARPer thinks he’s doing anything to stop the tide of shitskins by sitting at home pretending to be religious on 4channel

>taking islam seriously

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Op here.
I love the taste and smell and feel of whiskey. It was the first drink I had, and I immediately bought a bottle. I long for it rn. Also, being drunk is better than being sober. A whole month of this is gonna be fucking hard

He’s not white, he’s jewish.

Mmmmmmashalllaaa, mmmgrambaaa damba door wallaaaaaaaasssaaaaa bringooooo

Based. Thanks for not giving cope alkie answers.
But for real stop drinking

>actually falling for that bait

Lurk more before you embarrass yourselves agian