Any films about dysfunctional characters?

Did you know Reddit talks about you a lot? people come here, specifically this board (they say it's the most autistic of them all, filled with autists who can't enjoy fiction and who believe that reality is only about films and series and that Jews control reality through Netflix and other crazy beliefs like that) to shitpost and laugh at you.

Did you know you were the laughing stock of the Internet now? I remember when Yas Forums inspired respect and sometimes fear and often admiration about originality and lulz (lulz = keks for oldfags). Nowadays you're like an autistic zoo that normal people come visit. How does that make you feel?

Women on Reddit who wonder what incels are truly like are sent here to see for themselves. Did you know that? How does that make you feel?

Are there any "kinos" for this kind of feel?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Makes me feel a bit bad, but then I shoot up a kino full of normies to cheer up. Can't wait for this coronacrap to end so I can go postal in my favorite multiplex.

who cares what roasties think, when Yas Forums can get msm into a frenzy just from shitposting outside of their containment

>reddit spacing

Very sorry about your American education. Hopefully, you have Wikipedia.

people on reddit take every post on these boards at face value. they'd think fyad is full of genuine idiots if whatever reference point of internet lore hadn't explained it to them

You, user. You're one of those autists who can't stop trying to second-guess 'em and will never be able to shut the fuck up about them until the day you die.


This is fucking real, just found the subreddit about Yas Forums: you guys are getting absolutely destroyed over there.

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>I remember when Yas Forums inspired respect and sometimes fear and often admiration

No you don't. In case you think that's unfair neither does anyone else.

This goes to show how dumb you are: OP comes straight from Reddit, says so, is not ashamed, and you go for the "Reddit spacing" meme (wrong, at that). You don't actually what Reddit spacing was. What did you hope to accomplish exactly?

Omg nnnooooo

Isn't reddit the place where you literally get hidden away in a corner for not liking what the group likes?
Who would waste time there?

>people on reddit take every post on these boards at face value.
Sorry to blast your ass, sir, but 95% of the anons take them at face value as well. Autists don't do well with irony, and if you think most people here are kidding or trolling, you're even dumber than them. It's just something you tell yourselves to think "No, I'm not REALLY like this! hehe"

Just try telling me the misogyny here is just trolling, try.

>I was only pretending

I just wanted my Yas Forumsbros to see it. Then they would think "based that user sure is a Yas Forumsbro".

lol funny cat

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This is true for me. I left Reddit because I couldn't handle the heat, but here I am fine. Nobody knows who I am and nobody can trace my posts. Here, I am finally free from all consequences.

>Just try telling me the misogyny here is just trolling, try
You would be more kino as a woman, and you should transition immediately.

>Sorry to blast your ass

you should be we'll never hear the end of how he's not an incel anymore

>Did you know that reddit talks about you a lot?
Yes, they make threads about it here all the time.

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*hides your post in your path*

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Yeah, I do. Back then, Yas Forums raided other websites and caused real chaos. It was hilarious. Nowadays you're just incels.

Imagine believing that throwing your opinion on the internet means you should have to deal with days of PMs from ultra-autists.

based. this user sure is a Yas Forumsbro

>can't tell what's genuine
>convinced that others can't either because his personal experience is the extent of his understanding
>it's others that are autistic

>Isn't reddit the place where you literally get hidden away in a corner for not liking what the group likes?
As it should be. When you're a moron with nothing to offer, you deserve to get BTFO. Are you too much of a pussy to face consequences? Are you such a negative faggot that you can't imagine possibly bringing something of value to a conversation?

Don't fool yourself, this isn't about being a strong independent individual against the masses, this is about being a moron and a cunt and getting what you deserve. Yas Forums spares you this, admit it.

>Who would waste time there?
Why would you waste it here? At least Reddit's boards discuss what they're intended to discuss. Nobody knows anything about cinema here.

>Back then, Yas Forums raided other websites and caused real chaos

I'm sure it was "unironically based".

Attached: habbo8np.jpg (680x554, 151.76K)

it's pretty easy to spot underage larpers and autists though.

>Are there any "kinos" for this kind of feel?
any kind of capeshit garbage

>raids were epic xD
Yeah, I remember when I was 14 too

>oldfag detected

If you do this on Reddit, you get downvoted and your shit gets hidden. Somehow you retards think this is a bad thing. Now you're left with the shittiest board on the shittiest website. Bravo. lmao

No one cares
Go back

>do you want to see what people really think
>do you want to see what people think other people think so they repeat it ad nauseum for an ego stroke

>Are there any "kinos" for this kind of feel?
Marvel, Star Wars,

You can thank the faggot mods and jannies for that. Everytime i try to make a thread to have fun with some sites or some shit i get retards reporting my thread and/or replying NYPA. Then I get banned. Yas Forums used to more fun than this.

Based, is this real?

But not nearly as many as Yas Forums mentions Reddit, that's for sure.


Shadowbans ended 5 years ago, you fucking moron lol

I don't think about reddit at all.

Nah dude it's not.

>Yas Forums is a hugbox
>a quarter of the comments on this site are people using a variety of methods to tell other people just how stupid they are
No thanks, senpai.

It's fine if the opinions are OK. Reddit isn't very autistic. Especially compared to here, do you ever read the posts here? It's a psychiatric field day.

Yas Forums is full of retards, but the average IQ here is dozens of points above the average IQ on Reddit, half of the post here are sarcastic shitposts, but sometimes it's really funny.
I spent a lot of time on Reddit and it's really a circlejerk for the mentally challenged, they don't even understand a basic sarcasm without the /s tag and downvote you.
Seriously, how stupid do you need to be not to understand the most obvious sarcasm ever without being babysit with a tag indicating "HEY GUYS THAT WAS A JOKE".
Yas Forums has its issues but your bait is shit and I hope no Redditor genuinely believe this to be true, or they would be even less intelligent than I estimated them to be.

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who are them? nice projection there but I barely come to this shithole because of tranny moderation and easily baited underages and autists

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You know nobody forces you to seethe and reply to shitposts, sounds like you've just got issues if it bothers you so much you wish you had an army of drones to downvote it out of sight

I can tell what's genuine and what's not. You, however, cannot. 90% of the misogyny and antisemitism and all the Yas Forums shit is genuine, if not more. If you don't believe it, you are severely autistic.

Please tell me you think Yas Forums is mostly trolling, go ahead and tell me that.

>It's fine if the opinions are OK. Reddit isn't very autistic. Especially compared to here, do you ever read the posts here? It's a psychiatric field day.

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Based psychoanalystfag, give us more insight into your analysis

Anons back then weren't autistic, they knew how to have fun, how to laugh. They had a sense of humor and actual irony that they could enjoy. Autists here nowadays just open boring threads to whine about women, Jews, homosexuals, and black people. That's all this board is.

The people on reddit are just as dysfunctional, retarded and autistic as the people here, the only difference is they've managed to delude themselves into thinking they're perfectly fine, while the people here accept their retardation.

>it's pretty easy to spot underage larpers and autists though.
Yeah, they're the ones who don't know that you begin a sentence with a capital letter.

and the rest three quarters are them upvoting by saying "BASED BASED BASED"

Anyone who wants to continue an internet argument over multiple days is, by definition, autistic.
Look it up.

No you can't, it's simply your autism convincing you that you can when in reality you can barely comprehend basic human behavior

>i get retards reporting my thread and/or replying NYPA

these are literal reddit shits moralfagging and rulefagging this place into oblivion, because posting about movies is serious business

fucking literal normalfag tier retards

Is this autism?

Imagine thinking Yas Forums is dysfunctional because there isn't an upvote system that always guarantees the posts which reflect the common viewpoint top every thread.

How fucking boring. Anyone actually interested in discourse wants to hear new ideas that challenge them.

>assuming you have to choose between one website like it's a secret clique
You're retarded.

So which is it? Yas Forums is where people say what they really mean or is it where people troll?

As to repeating things ad nauseam, are you fucking kidding me? Yas Forums definitely repeats the same shit for YEARS: sneed, bane, dozens of other retarded memes. You guys can't even write a post without countless autistic memes. What a lack of self-awareness.

And what are Yas Forums's original opinions? Women are whores, blacks are idiots, Jews are evil? Woah, impressive. Fucking idiot.

Where's your sense of humor, why can't you have a laugh with those threads? Maybe you're just too autistic


do my low effort replies trigger your try hard ass?

Moderators and janitors are basically the essential user here: they are angry incels. Try a thread on an actress, about her acting, and they will delete it without banning you (because they're not allowed to). It never fails. You can do this 10 times in a row.

>autistic memes for months on end
no ban
>posting thread on a woman who's great at acting
deleted thread, false accusations, etc

>As it should be. When you're a moron with nothing to offer, you deserve to get BTFO
But I didn't say people who are morons get hidden away, I said people who don't like what the group likes. If this board were like Reddit, if the consensus was Starship Troopers was a bad movie, if someone made a post trying to say why it was a good movie everyone here could manipulate their post and hide it away from being viewed. Not based on the validity of their arguments, but solely for going against the crowd.
>At least Reddit's boards discuss what they're intended to discuss. Nobody knows anything about cinema here.
That's false though, and even if you don't know anything about cinema you're still free to post and people are free to weigh your input appropriately.

It seems like having your ideas weighed on their merits is what scares you. Clearly you're someone who has followed the crowd their entire lives to the point where Yas Forums frightens you because you can't see a number near the post dictating to you how you should be reacting to it. You can't see an account with a red-bar along it that says which wrongthink subs this account has responded to so you can be a good sheep and bleat at the wrongman.

You should probably go back, this place isn't meant for you

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>And what are Yas Forums's original opinions? Women are whores, blacks are idiots, Jews are evil? Woah, impressive. Fucking idiot.

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You have some insane vendetta against Yas Forums. Did 4chin hurt your feelings?


>I don't think about reddit at all.
If that were true, which it isn't, dozens of your fellow anons will remind you of Reddit.

You moron, Reddit is all you tards think about, that's why you are always telling each other to "go back". You think about Reddit because you know they are more normal than you are. You call them "normies" because you want normality to be bad, in a desperate effort to make your autism better.

>talking about safe zone and hugbox
top lel

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

>reddit spacing

>that pic
I think it's more about the beliefs than the specific function of the website.

>caring about misogyny
lmao what a pussy

>but the average IQ here is dozens of points above the average IQ on Reddit
The average IQ here is 89. We know this. Did you actually think anons were smart? You must be a fucking idiot too.

>Seriously, how stupid do you need to be not to understand the most obvious sarcasm ever without being babysit with a tag indicating "HEY GUYS THAT WAS A JOKE".
Remember when Yas Forums "joked" about hating Brie Larson and larping as sexists? Yeah, what a laugh.

First based mass reply ever

>And what are Yas Forums's original opinions? Women are whores, blacks are idiots, Jews are evil? Woah, impressive. Fucking idiot.
Imagine being this much of a btfo roastie

Lmao, go back retardo

>You know nobody forces you to seethe and reply to shitposts
>says the user who replies to shitpost to whine


>average IQ here is 89
Only because so many blacks and browns use Yas Forums

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Some anons might think of Reddit a lot, but you seem obsessed with 4chin, as we can see from you coming here and having a hissy fit

Did you actually imagine literally anyone here sincerely cared about Brie Larson at all? Quick, post your iq

Half of the posts here are sarcasm, I'm sorry to bust your bubble, but yes, the average user is way smarter than the average Redditor. Being able to understand basic sarcasm is a good indication of this. Also not all boards are equal, some are full of absolute retards.

but this is 4channel, sweaty??

>complain about it
Where? When?

>while the people here accept their retardation.

Wrong. When you're anonymous, it doesn't matter what anyone says and what anyone says to them, because you have no identity. Nobody will know what your next post is. It's basically babies pretending that they're at war. Nothing hurts here because nobody is anyone, and you know it. You'd be sweating bullets on Reddit if people started arguing with you about anything.

There's a reason why you autists prefer it here: you can freely expose your autism while feeling like free thinkers. In reality, you just pretend being tough by talking smack anonymously online. How pathetic.

Functional people don't play tough online because they realise how autistic and pathetic that is.

>Remember when Yas Forums "joked" about hating Brie Larson and larping as sexists?

lmao the moment she showed cleavage the hivemind started cooming to her

underage nazi larpers in a nutshell

You mean like Yas Forums did for Brie Larson or any of the dozen topics they constantly whine about?

You're being conservative. You guys do it for months.

How would you know what functional people do?

>When you're anonymous, it doesn't matter what anyone says and what anyone says to them, because you have no identity
What about the words that are being said? Do those matter less to you than the person doing the saying? If so Reddit is the place for you, because ideas don't matter to you, fitting in does

Nice projection, potato. If you were right, I would have no friends and nobody would like me and you would have tons. I know that hurts, but face the fucking truth.

>some are full of absolute retards.

Yas Forums is one of them, this isn't /his/ or /lit/

>You're being conservative. You guys do it for months.
How much time every day do you spend researching what Yas Forums is up to?

>Yas Forums is one person

I honestly feel sorry for you that you will never know the joy of shitposting with the lads on 4channel