First 45 minutes

>first 45 minutes
>mmm, it's pretty good so far. I wonder why I remembered it as a weak movie yet the only decent one in the series
>milla jovivich starts doing some superspy matrix shit
>oh right, it's one of those....

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Resident Evil 1 is kino

The character of Alice is really weird. She wasn’t in any of the games which is fine if they want to do a new cast. However the movies act like she is some super iconic character and you’re supposed to know who she is.

>doesn't like early 2000s slow motion numetal matrix wirefu
Fag alert

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Then they have the cheek to relegate well known characters to bit parts.

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This op is retarded

Isn't this pretty much the only instance in the whole movie where Alice uses her super kung fu powers?

Fuck off, Resident Evil movies are B to the ASED

It's better if you just forget about the games as Anderson clearly just wanted to make his own brand of zombie action films and simply used the Resident Evil licence to secure funding. Nominally it's a prequel to the original game but in reality it's a marines vs zombies movie with Alice in Wonderland allusions.

Once you stop giving a shit about the connection to the games the films become much more enioyable

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the guy made the film version of an OC fanfic, if he was told that his wife wasn't allowed to be in it he wouldn't have used that script
it's impressive how they managed to make the plot worse than the video games

>expecting a zombie outbreak to be "realistic"

the more batshit crazy it gets the better

No she uses them in the climax, but it's more subtle. The scene with the dogs is where she finally regains her memories of being a highly trained spy/assassin so it's more emphasized. Supposed to be one of those "holy badass!" moments, and 12 year old me loved it. I still really like that scene actually, it's fun

Sienna is far superior

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She is an iconic character, most people when they think of Resident Evil now they think of Milla Jovovich as Alice. Let that sink in

I watched all of these shitty movies the other week. I regret nothing.

>capcom loved the movies so much they made the games more like them
>Jill in re3 remake is modeled after Mila

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>that armpit
>that nose
>that profile
>that smoke

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a fuckin cute

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I loved every single one of these retarded movies. Top tier entertainment and Milla somehow looks amazing in every single one of them, even 15 years after the first one.

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this franchise is so incoherent. from movie to movie the plot and the universe rules change
ending of RE2: alice dies. alice revived. but has a chip in brain. satellites know where she is

re 3: the world becomes a desert. umbrella wants to create smart zombies for slave labor,
they have the ability to clone hundreds of Alice but want slave zombies....
umbrella is still experimenting, still have board members. still has doctors
but lost location of alice and cant control her.
they gain control of alice again. but satellite chip blows up.
end shows hundreds of clones

alice goes from vegas to japan without food or water.
clones died at beginning.
board members from last movie are gone. alice clones kill all of them. alice spends all movie on a boring building with nobodies. alice almost dies.
they reach big boat. somehow wesker was waiting all this time... sitting in the ship. ship is full of survivors.
they fail to kill wesker.
hundreds of umbrella planes show up for some reason and blow up ship and survivors.

re5: retarded underground facilities. umbrella board members return? the planet is dead but they are still running experiments? even though the planet is dead and theres no societies?
they have clones running experiments and hundreds if workers?
wesker gives alice powers back.
wesker needs alice and jill and leon to fight for the survival of humanity

re6. everyone died offscreen. wesker evil again. shaky cam. quick cuts. mad max rip off.
apparently rich people created the zombie apocalypse on purpose to create a new peaceful world by destroying this world
so resident evil 1 and 2 plots are destroyed. virus wasnt released by accident,
so umbrella wasnt making bio weapons.but it was all about rich people wanting a new utopia.
alice was a clone all along...


RE2 > RE1 > RE3 > RE5 > RE4

wtf did I just watch award: RE6

I love the first three, 4 and 5 are guilty pleasures, but The Final Chapter? I don't see how anyone could enjoy that horribly edited fast cutting piece of garbage. It gives me a headache

when i was a kid i named my hamster Leeloo. Then 15 years later I named my dog Milla. I guess what I'm saying is, I would eat the turds out of this woman's ass even 3-4 years after she hits babushka status.

Every single one of these trash flicks is terrible with no redeeming qualities
And that's a good thing™ especially when your drunk

>no redeeming qualities

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what happened with her character after the second movie?

For me, it's the White Queen.

game fags are worse than book fags

Afterlife is the best one

She was supposed to return for RE: Extinction but the actress/model who plays Jill was pissed off at her treatment in the second film. She signed on for a much bigger part, and even played Resident Evil 3 all the way through to study Jill's movements and style. But when it came tine for filming Milla threw a hissy fit thinking she'd be upstaged so her husband made Sienna's part smaller and even changed scenes so that Alice could upstage Jill. For example, the scene in the school with the dogs, originally it was Jill who fought them off and saved the little loli girl, and Paul rewrote the scene to make Jill less competent and more of a damsel in distress and Alice shows up and saves everyone.

Attached: 49-Hot-Pictures-Of-Sienna-Guillory-Will-Prove-That-She-Is-One-Of-The-Hottest-Women-Alive-And-She-Is-The-Hottest-Woman-Out-There.jpg (1200x630, 499.86K)

guillory is obviously a very pretty woman but the jill costume/hair is what makes her 11/10

>Cupping the bottom of your pistol.

That shit bugs me when you're still doing it 3-4 movies into your action schlock franchise.

why is that bad?

Thanks. It explains the movies' quality.

She didnt want to go back after Retribution, not even to film her death scenes from the stupid book. So last film was mostly Alice. If you notice Claire was only RE character to survive.
She hit the wall pretty hard, looks nothing like she did.

Yeah but they treated her like that in the first movie when there was no way for them to know that would happen. I know people that have seen the RE movies and never played the games who think that Alice is some Lara Croft type video game action hero.

all 45 year old wahman should look like this good though

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your salt is delicious

I found the underground city wide clone truman show style outbreak simulation disturbing as hell