How does Vince do it...

How does Vince do it? How does he make a prequel spin-off that lasts more seasons than the original show despite literally nothing happening yet it's even more kino?

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It’s more of Peters work to be utterly honest.

Because of Breaking Bad Reversos


I love Lalo

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What's this guy's name?

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stay mad fag, a lot of shit happens and its kino

first 3 seasons were okay. I have to fast forward 80% of screen time of every episode of long shots in deserts, two people talking about nothing, boring long ass montages and the plot going literally fucking nowhere. and the fact that 50% of this last season was someone doing something then realising it didn't work out so they have to backtrack and undo the last episode over and over again just shows how AMC is a bunch of greedy kikes who know people will watch this shit for its
characters doing nothing at all.

This is now a Lalo Salamanca thread

lol except its canned after next season because its going nowhere

Nothing happens : The Show.

The flying mexican

>jimmy sells phones
>jimmy kills his brother
>jimmy hires huel
>jimmy sells phones again
>lol im a lawyer look at this montage of lawyering
>sells more phones, well gives away

By it being the exact opposite of breaking bad

I wish it wasn't a BB prequel honestly. Every character you care about is going to die because of some egotistical faggot in a fedora.

>all next season will resolve lalo and then have saul doing his firm and the billboards and that

lol it's going to be shit

Lalo will save the show

Why is anyone surprised? Lucus acomplished the same thing with three films



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>could have been saul goodman after literally season fucking 1
>could have had cases he delt with
>skinny pete and then shit with mike

As a cellphone salesman, Jimmy was fucking goat at it.

I wish BCS came before BB, hard to enjoy some scenes when you know what will happen next

>tfw Lalo will die

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It's not going to be a perfect 1:1 transition with Saul buying his office and shit. Saul's story will complete years before BB even starts. And to me this story is about how he hurts everyone he knows despite his best intentions. Like Chuck said before he died.

They're sowing the seeds of that with Kim being corrupted by Jimmy.

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lol bs it wont

there will be a 8 minute montage of the billboards going up and the yellow colors everywhere oh and it will be some barter montage of him buying the caddy

*betrays you*

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>some barter montage of him buying the caddy

it will either be some super serious thing where you don't see the car

>she's showing her age though
>she'll hold up don't you worry
>how are you supposed to move something this big!

or some scene where you see them talking but don't hear it then shows jimmy screeching the wheels driving off the lot

Vince is shaking reading this shit

>and then i said, no no not my papa!

He's going to buy the Caddy with Lalo's money. That's for sure.

*jump in front of you and blocks your path*

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I won't feel bad at all for this fucker after he just helped kill all of Lalo's family.

fuck, I just realized the cellphone business is a fun little foreshadow to his desk being filled with burner phones in BB.

bravo, Vincelet!

what will the gooseman do while his chicken shop is rebuilt?

The show died with Chuck it's undeniable.

Can Howard be defeated?

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>weasel your way through some public defender cases in albuquerque
>lol jimmy PLS work with us please oh god