>americans cencored the parts of austin powers that showed that the henchmen are just humans because americans couln't handle the concept
nice freedom you have over there, fatasses
>americans cencored the parts of austin powers that showed that the henchmen are just humans because americans couln't handle the concept
nice freedom you have over there, fatasses
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wait, what?
Your queen? That cunt is German. Have a lovely tea.
She's British. Nice try hans.
>Americans censored their own movie
Foreigners, ladies and gentleman.
Cool bro, but I don't remember asking
>third worlders literally think Mike Meyers is british because of the Austin Powers act
Hollywood is literally a propaganda wing of the elites and military.
It's designed to dumb you down and make you hate those they want you to hate ie. certainly not the rich oligarchy
Rent free
The British royal family is said to be German because, basically, of the Hanoverian (Georgian) dynasty. ... The current royal family descends directly from these people, and their family name was deliberately changed from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to Windsor during the First World War.
England is a german colony. Suck every dick that has, or ever will be yoou goddamn lobsterback.
>person from serbia or philippines makes a thread mocking americans for being freedomless stupid fat fucks who elected a retarded cheeto
>ameriblobs get angy at britain because it's the only foreign country they know
like a clockwork
>Americans think there are only two countries in the world
there are like three... australia is nice for a week.
do something and then you may matter.
Deleted doesn't mean censored. It's an awkward scene that feels out of place.
It's censored when other version of the movie have it, which is the case here.
that's the entire point
>your great-great-geat-great-great-great grandad was from germany so you're fucking german
This isn't how it works you braindead spastic.
That can't be true
tell me how royalty "works"
Your dick is small and I know it.
Hey man theyre trying, its hard to learn when all your tax dollars go to buy israel and your army a bunch of billion dollar rockets to blow up brown people on the other side of the world, and none of it goes to education or healthcare because they "arent important"
It's been German since the Anglo-Saxon invasion, brainlet.
he's canadian
when was the last time you went to a dentist? Be honest... like honestly honest. Not your norm.
>they literally stole their last name from a fucking castle that belonged to the actual Windsors
Lmao retarded bongs having kings and queens in 2020
>americans pay most taxes towards healthcare in the world
>then they have to pay again if they want to actually get healthcare
>and they actually support this system because getting healthcare with the taxes you already pay would be communism
most of us hardly work to be honest. Debt aint real and neither is money. We can have anything delivered and are all on drugs and armed.
Americans are already communists bro
Countries with state monopolized systems gatekeep healthcare from people.
If you work harder, you won't get better care, you'll just die in a waiting line.
America’s demographics lmao
Bongs i mean muslims btfo yet again in this thread.
Is this the Yas Forums crossboarder seethe thread
Americans literally elected a black Muslim president. Twice.
No this is the "Austin Powers was too complicated for Americans so they had to censor it" thread.
That and a fat orange retard
and survived it.
Scared? You would be if you had oil or anything we wanted.
What's even the point?
>that face when an american does a heckin frighten
Yes America, which includes Canada, and Mexico. Everything else is some borderless mudhut hellhole as far as I’m concerned
>little south american children talking shit about the shining city on a hill to the north
>rich oligarchy
just say jews
americans really do this eh
there are only about 3 or 4 that matter.